Poop Carrier

Now that I have recovered somewhat from putting on the first annual Logan County Humane Society 5K Run and Pet Walk, maybe I’ll be able to post in a more timely basis. No promises, just a fond hope. {*grin*}

Oh,  are you wondering about the title? Well … last Saturday when I got the 5K runners on their way and then the Pet Walk people off and going, who should decide to poop within steps of the start? Yep, Molly the wonder dog, as walked by the ever beautiful L. So as I was getting ready to head across the park for the finish line, I heard L yell for me to come and take this.

This was a bag of Molly poop. L didn’t want to carry it for the next half mile to get rid of it, so I was pressed into duty as a poop carrier. You can now add poop carrier to my long list of titles. I think next year I am going to recruit some volunteers to line the course and be poop carriers. They’ll have to be young or they will be too wise to accept. Either that or they will have to be spouses of the Pet Walk participants. It’s amazing the things you will do when you are married!

Here are some pictures from the event. This is what the main site looked like early in the morning before we started setting up:

And here we are just about mid-way through decorating:

But now let’s skip over to the start of the 5K. The undistinguished future poop carrier in the green shirt is me explaining the rules and getting ready to start the 5K runners.

They’re off!  The young man in black led the 5K from start to finish with a time of 19:40. Probably not surprising he is on the high school cross country team. {*grin*}

But in the meantime, notice Molly stopping to leave the gift of poop in the middle of the walkers?
Yes, that is Molly pooping on the right edge of the picture.
In any case, a good time was had by all the runners and walkers. Here is Molly, L, and friends as they near the finish line:
Then it was time for the silent auction and fashion show. Note how the decorating added class to the pavilion.
I’ll close with a couple of pictures of the models strutting down the improvised runway.

5 thoughts on “Poop Carrier”

  1. I’m so happy that all went well…with the exception of poop duty 🙂 That’s always my job..hubby won’t take it. You’re a good one for taking it!

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