The Event That Was

The volunteer appreciation and recruitment event for the humane society (and new facility construction update) was this evening. I was more than happy that it was held in a nice air conditioned gallery as the outside temperatures today soared into the high nineties. Made it a lot of fun lugging stuff into the gallery. {*grin*}

Tomorrow is the BBQ for Relay for Life, so I’ll have to mosey over and eat and throw a few balls at the dunk tank victims. Of course it probably won’t be as hot just to make it less enjoyable for the dunkees. It always amazed me that I made it through three terms as mayor without being railroaded into being a dunk tank victim for the event. There is a lot to be said for glaring and looking unpleasant. {*grin*}

Am I the only one who finds that the year is getting away from them? It seems that time is flying by and always catching me unawares. The older I get, the faster time seems to move. I just know that one of these days I am going to look around and it will already be next year. Do you ever feel that way?

4 thoughts on “The Event That Was”

  1. Time has been flying by quite fast this year. Then again, there are days where it feels like I’m stuck in a moment forever especially when those days involve a 2 year old who throws tantrums at a drop of a pin. 🙂

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