And Now For …

And now for something completely different.

Do you ever find that there are things that inspire emotions in yourself and yet have no logical connection to the emotion? For example, do you ever see a storm rolling in and experience a set of emotions in no way related to any storm experiences in your past? I do. Sometimes inane things bring forth emotions that I can see no logical relation to the thing that evoked the experience.

Tonight as I was coming home from the city council work session, I was thinking a bit of the county fair which is now going on. But I happened to be driving past a well lit section of the downtown and the shadow and hue of the lighting caused a distinct feeling of elation. For absolutely no reason that I can ascertain. That ever happen to you?

Getting back to reality, the work session this evening was with the firm doing the water and sewer rate studies for the city. All preliminary at the moment and about as dry as it can get. But, … Never let an engineer with power point loose on a captive audience. I was tired anyway from finishing up the great tree cleanup in the heat earlier in the day, so having someone recite their power point presentation just didn’t lead me to feel the experience was worthwhile. I could have read the presentation in a tenth of the time and not wasted those hours. Oh well, maybe someday I’ll get a chance to bore him to death in return.

It is still warm at 10pm here, above 80. Typical weather for July and August, but completely atypical for what has happened thus far this year. It makes Molly and I sit around with our tongues hanging out. Add to it the swarms of little itty bitty mosquitoes and life is one continuous annoyance. I figure it will get worse on Thursday because that is the day I have booth duty at the fair for the EMS authority campaign. Our booth is outdoors, in the sun, and open walled. So I figure it will be 100+ degrees and windy. Either that or it will turn freezing. (The last time I had booth duty was for the school bond effort a few years ago. It had been hot and dry  right up until that day, then it suddenly turned cold and poured rain. Not only was no one coming by the booth, but I was cold and miserable too.)

Time for me to make a few notes for the radio show in the morning and head for the bed. I’m still debating about getting up early so i can hit the cowboy pancake breakfast on the way to the station. Decisions, decisions.

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