Five Odd Facts Vaguely …

It’s Friday and thus time for

Five Odd Facts Vaguely Related To Computers

  • 94% of all existing blogs have not been updated in four months.
  • 2 out of 3 Twitter users access Twitter only while at work.
  • Moderate Internet surfers are 9% more productive in their jobs than non-surfers.
  • World wide usage of electricity is projected to fall 3.5% this year; this is the first time since recordkeeping began in 1945 that the world wide usage has declined.
  • 82% of male British IT workers say they consider their sex partners’ needs before their own; the highest of all industries.

Facts courtesy of Funny Times and Harper’s Index.

5 thoughts on “Five Odd Facts Vaguely …”

  1. That is interesting about the electricity usage. No updates in 4 mos. huh? That is odd! There must be some pretty happy British IT wives!! Have a great weekend!

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