The Case Of The Missing Post

Some more fun topics for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Challenge this week!

This weeks topics:

1) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

2) Moxie is defined as the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage; bold energy. Describe a time when you showed moxie.

3) Write a poem about a loved one who has shown you moxie. What have you learned from them?

4) If you were a super hero, what would your super power be and why?

5) A superhero can save you from what ails you….what is your request?

(I got this far last night before heading off to a meeting. When I got back from the meeting, I laid down and didn’t wake up until this morning. In the panic of getting going this morning, i completely spaced finishing this post. So for this week, please journey over to Mama Kat’s Linky and read away. Thanks.)

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