Five Upcoming Events

It’s time once more for

Five Upcoming Events
  • Grand Opening of the Xeriscape Gardens Project
  • Five Year Anniversary Open House of The Legacy (assisted living center)
  • District 1 Colorado Municipal League Meeting – My last meeting as President
  • Jury Duty for Me – Next Tuesday no less

and finally, and perhaps the most important

  • My One Year Blogoversary. I started blogging on September 25th, 2008. Now 311 posts later I am still at it. Too bad for you! {*grin*}

For extra credit, what do the first three events have in common? The answer is in the first comment.

7 thoughts on “Five Upcoming Events”

  1. Jury duty….dodododo! Honestly I think if given the right case jury duty could be very interesting. Of course, that comment comes from an unemployed and very bored woman!! Congrats on the blogoversary!

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