Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house there was no sign of Christmas, not even a grouch.
To understand why, we have to go back in time, to when Santa began his delusional last trip last year.
Of course this led to complications with the staff.
Which meant that the normal holiday trek was more problematic than usual. The first replacements left much to be desired.
But with the help of slightly shabby fake reindeer and unleaded high-test, the Eve of note got underway.
It was not without problems along the way. The first little hiccup was the lack of suspension on the high octane sled.
But that was minor compared to how the evening came to an ignominious end.
Santa spent many months in recovery and thought.
While he was resting and healing (and getting a tan), he decided to modernize the traditional van.
Then he added a new staff.
(Who were not at all fired up!)
Will the new and improved Santa and crew make the journey to deliver Christmas spirit tomorrow?
Will Christmas Eve be a blast or bust?
Stay tuned for further reports as the event progresses.