Haiku To You Too

Time once more for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Challenge.

Being short of time and long of tooth, I choose to persue

3.) Write a Haiku that describes what you love about an ordinary day.
(inspired by Jade from Now that I’m no longer 25…)

as my topic of choice.

The Ordinary Day Haikus
Morning comes upon us
Life renews again
A gift from the sun
Snow atop
Rain below
The mountain reigns
Hot dry itchy wind
Cold wet soothing stream
Balance is inherent

Ringing in the Night

Last night was one of those nights that can be panic inducing. At about 2:30 am I heard my cell phone ringing down the hall in my office. I figured it must be a wrong number or someone who would leave a message. But, a few seconds later, it rang again. So I got out of bed and trudged down the hall to my office, well prepared to take the head off any idiot calling at that time of night without a good reason.

When I looked, the calls were from L. The worry ticker started up right away. It is not usual for L to call at that time of night, let alone be up and about then. I immediately called back to see what was going on, picturing some really disastrous event of happenstance, maybe even a death of someone we knew. So can you guess what brought on these multiple calls in the wee hours of the morning?

L had called to tell me that at least one of the scenes with L and the Son as extras in a movie (that was shot here several years ago and just released) survived the editors knife. L and the Son had downloaded the movie and just finished watching it and noted that the scene was preserved and I was thanked (in the rather anonymous form of “Thanks to the Mayor of XYZ”).

That was indeed interesting news, but it clearly didn’t warrant the heart attack side-effects of calling me repeatedly at that time of the night. At least not from my point of view. Needless to say, my response fell a bit below the level of excitement desired by L. It was the kind of news that I would have dropped an email about and called it good – especially in the middle of the night.

As any married man knows, failing to display the desired amount of enthusiasm when called by your wife any time of the day or night is punishable by freezing to death. It makes no difference that you had been in bed for hours and had to be up in several more. It even makes no difference if you are in the middle of a meeting deciding the fate of the universe as we know it. You should always be prepared to exhibit the precise amount of excitement desired. Otherwise, the icicles coming out the phone may very well cause brain damage or even death.

Took me hours to warm back up.


Bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth. Go ahead, admit it.

And I wasn’t even staying here!

My question for the day is: Do you ever feel jealous of people with certain talents? I do.

I cannot listen to anyone who can sing with feeling a sense of jealousy, no matter how moving the music might be. I suspect that the jealousy comes from the fact that I am and have always been a poor singer. Bad enough that the Son and L banned me from singing in the house, even in the shower. It could be because I have an absolutely atrocious sense of pitch, it could be because I am tone deaf, it might even be because I never can remember lyrics. (Which is strange since I can remember whole books close to word for word.) In any case, I feel envy and jealousy when i hear a great singer or choral group.

Another group that I envy and feel jealous of are proto-gymnasts. You know, those absolutely flexible and lithe little people who always look graceful, even if they are tripping down a flight of stairs. Given that I was 6’4″ and 250 lbs. by seventh grade, it is safe to say that I never went through a stage of being tiny, nor lithe, nor graceful. The phrase big-galoot comes to mind. So whenever I see a proto-gymnast, I envy them and am jealous. Primarily because I wonder what it would be like to go through life not tripping over things and never running into door ways and walls, not having to consciously maneuver through a crowd so as not to crush someone. The world must seem like a very different place to those lithe little people.

So who or what skills do you feel jealous of?

The Vain Blindsided Ego

Time once more for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Challenge.

This week the prompts are:

1.) You’re so vain. You probably think this post is about you…don’t you?
2.) Tell us about your trip!
3.) A difficult conversation.
4.) Can you almost stop time with your words? Write about the fastest ride you ever had, but describe only a few seconds of it…as though it was happening to slow motion.

5.) Who blind-sided you? Write about a time someone caught you totally off guard.

I will cogitate and then scribe, scribble, set forth, type, etc. on #1 and #5 for the nonce.

#1 – I don’t think the post is about me, I know it is! After all, there could be no more interesting subject for a post than the illustrious trio of me, myself, and I.

Your post is about women’s feminine products – it is still about me. I just know it. Even if your post is about some horrible TV show I have never seen such as American Idol or Lost or The Bachelor or … I still know it is about me, if for no other reason than to annoy me.

Every since the moment of my birth, I’ve known that it is all about me. There was never the slightest doubt in my mind. But I am glad that you are finally catching on, it is tiring to keep reminding everyone to stay on topic -ME!!!

Now if you don’t mind, I have to get back to checking out what everyone is saying about me.

#5 – Blindside

Verb 1. blindside – catch unawares, especially with harmful consequences;
2. blindside – attack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person’s view is obstructed

So let’s go with a combination of definitions 1 and 2.

Way back in the time of the dinosaurs, I played football. It was so long ago that it was in the first years of allowing freshman to play on the varsity teams. I was one of the fortunate (or unfortunate) persons selected to play on the varsity during my freshman year. Given that it was the first year that frosh were allowed to play varsity, there was a certain amount of animosity from the upperclassmen about the intrusion onto their turf.

One fine day we were practicing kickoff coverage. You know, where you run like mad at each other from great distances with the goal of killing each other and then tackling the guy with the ball. The whistle blew signaling the end of the drill and I started to relax when I heard my name shouted from behind me. I turned just in time to be blindsided by the person whose place I had taken. He had a 30 yard run to get up to speed and imparted all of his momentum to me. I must have flown 20 feet through the air to land on my butt. Of course, the perpetrator was laughing his rear end off. He thought it was pretty funny.

I filed his poor behavior away under the revenge area of my mind and continued on. The chance for revenge came the very next day during practice, but I didn’t even get a chance to do anything. Seems that his behavior wasn’t well accepted by his classmates (and my teammates) and they took turns blindsiding him in every drill we did that day. He wasn’t real bright and didn’t catch on until near the end of practice and so suffered a number of trips through the air. I actually felt a bit sorry for him.

I never had another bit of trouble with him. It was a great lesson to me about the power of teammates.

Now I come prepared for all blindsides, for in politics and fund raising, everything is allowed. {*grin*}

Marriage Omen

Do you think this marriage will last long? Or is it a shining example of a marriage made in heaven?


A newlywed Massachusetts couple spent their wedding night in separate jail cells after police said the bride tried to run over an old flame of the groom.

Police say 22-year-old Hyannis resident Marissa Ann Putignano-Keene tried Monday to run over the other woman and the woman’s son in a parking lot. The intended victim later told police that she had previously been in an intimate relationship with the groom.

Police say the couple got married at Barnstable Town Hall and split a bottle of Champagne afterward.

The bride was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Her
husband, 37-year-old Timothy Keene, was riding in the car with her and was charged with disorderly conduct.

Both were released Tuesday. It was unclear if either had hired an attorney.

Is this what comes next?

Remember, the family that attempts drunken vehicular homicide together stays together. Or maybe that should just be homicide?

In any case, at least it isn’t a case of TMI like a lot of blogs and TV.

Things Done Right