Trip Report

The weekend was spent in Vail playing corporate spouse. Accommodations were nice:

 and the hotel had some nice sitting and conversation areas:

 with typical Vail village architecture surrounding us:

The weekend went as expected.

  • Leisurely late breakfasts with the other spouses.
  • Walking and perusing the hideously over-priced art and craft show going on in the village. 
  • Odd discussions with the other spouses, ranging from the difference between military service in the Korean War and Iraq and Afghanistan to the joys and pains of raising kids of all ages.
  • Mandatory oh’ing and ah’ing over all little ones less than a year old. Seeing little ones always pulls the heart strings, but then you remember diapers and poop containment system failures and …

The spouses divided 23 and 7, female to male. Much better than in previous years. Ages ranged from mid-20’s to late 70’s. (See war service discussion above.) Makes for a diverse group, with everything from retired military to former ballerinas. Rabid Republicans to raving Democrats. Parents of kids ranging from close to 40 to not yet a year old. I.e. a general mixed bag thrown together while the spouses went through the meetings.

Saturday afternoon a lot of us headed out and drove up the mountains on an old dirt track for about 10 miles to get to Piney Lake, a little lake in a valley at about 9,300 feet. You can tell the the group is mostly mountain based – we all had pickups or other vehicles with adequate clearance to make it over the rocks and holes in the path. Those that were using regular vehicles had to hitch a ride.

We spent the afternoon hiking and picnicking, etc. L was able to get her canoe fix, canoeing around the lake with another attendee and her son. (Her husband was another spouse named Dan and neither one of us canoe – so it worked out well to send the spouses and offspring out on a canoe.) Here is a poor quality cell phone picture of L and her fellow canoeists out on the lake:

Anything better will have to await the emails of those with digital cameras. {*grin*}

Of course, Saturday evening was the big banquet and awards ceremony. Everything from absolute formal to casual dressy. Ties and coats for the men and dress plumage for the women. Sunday began the journey back home. Over Vail Pass and back to Breckenridge where L’s office is, then me heading up to the tunnel and then down to the high plains. I was early enough to beat the traffic, so I got home about 5pm.

One anomaly that struck me was the difficulty the lowlanders from corporate had with the altitude. The group L is a part of are mostly mountain based at altitudes ranging from 7,000 to 10,000 feet. So the altitude at Vail (8,022 feet) isn’t a problem, but the corporate people came from near sea level, so they experienced much of the standard tourist version of altitude sickness.  Out here on the high plains, we are still at more than 4,000 feet, so it isn’t nearly as much of a transition.

Time to check and see if the temperature has dropped enough to open the house up. It reached 105 today and was still well above 80 at 10pm. Forecast is for more of the same all week, typical July 4th type weather. Ugh!

I’m Back

I got back from playing corporate spouse last night. More on that later.

Just before I left, I learned of the death of my life long friend G’s mother. (G was my wing man when I first went out with L and one of the groomsmen in our wedding, amidst other things.) Since G and I have been friends since 4th grade almost 45 years ago, it also meant that I spent a lot of time at his house and around his mom as we grew up. In any case, her funeral was this morning and I got back in time to attend and then spend time with G and family.

The service was interesting because, rather than the usual sorrow and loss, there was a great sense of relief that Shirley (G’s mom) had passed on to better things. She suffered from aggressive Alzheimer’s and had reached the point where she no longer even remembered how to feed herself. As G’s sister, who had cared for Shirley at her home for the last several years said, “I lost my mother years ago, I just followed my nurse’s training and took care a body that reminded me of her.” So it was a bittersweet affair. We all had memories of the person who was Shirley, but had already gone through the loss of that person.

The burial was at one of the local rural cemeteries.  Of course it was already 95 degrees and the sun was blazing on the treeless prairie around the cemetery at the time. Then there was a lunch at the Masonic Lodge for family and friends. (Shirley was a 50 year member of Eastern Star.) It was there that I got a chance to do some visiting up with G. On top of the death of his mother, tomorrow he finds out if he still has a job. He is an engineer on the NASA booster project that has been used as a political football of recent months. Think positive thoughts for him.

Good night for now.

I’m Off To …

I’m off to play corporate wife (or spouse as the case may be). It is time for the annual meeting for the group L works with, so I get to go and loiter about the resort during the day while L and crew spend time in meetings, then dress nicely to eat, smooze and booze in the evenings. (It’s good work if you can get it!)

It’ll be back to the old grind by Monday. At least I don’t have to wear a costume like this (nor look quite like this):

Although, come to think of it, some of the people I loiter with during the day do bear a certain resemblance to the picture. Imagine how disappointed they must be to be stuck with me. {*grin*} I just don’t seem to be able to contribute much to the conversation when it comes to shoes and handbags and yoga class and …. Oh well.

This Toad’s For You

This Toad is for you L.

L is always concerned about how the toad(s) that live in our flowers and lawn are doing. Today I got the answer while mowing the lawn. After the rains of earlier weeks, it was clear momma and papa toad had been busy as there were lots of little toads the size of the tip of my finger hopping about:

(Not my picture or finger! Both are from here.)

On the other hand, I only briefly spotted momma toad looking more like this:

I can safely say that the toad family seems to be thriving in the current odd weather. Hopefully they enjoy the bumper crop of bugs hatching daily. Because it is clear that Molly and I don’t.

Why Life In The Age Of Social Media ….

I have decided to share my thoughts from tonight’s walk with you. I hope you are ready to be edified and amazed. {*grin*}

It struck me, as Molly and I sprinted home from the sudden rain and lightening storm, that life in the age of social media is a lot like being a clerk in a 7-11 store. In support of this rather strange analogy, consider the following:

LITAOSM (Life In The Age Of Social Media 7-11 Clerk
Random people come and go ditto
Regulars become acquaintances ditto
Regulars disappear with no explanation ditto
The stories told by people may or may not be true ditto
You come to feel you know certain people ditto
Regulars and randoms compete for your attention ditto
Some people are trusted less than others ditto

Now notice the similarity of expression in the prototypical blogger and 7-11 clerk:

The list can go on and on. In fact, your assignment is to add additional experiences that LITAOSM and being a 7-11 clerk share. I can think of at least ten more right off the top – can you?

Things Done Right