So Long Old Friend

Seiko Wrist Watch
Came to live with me – September 1973
Departed to the great hourglass in the sky – September 2010

I knew it would happen some day, but I hoped it would not be so soon. My faithful watch now stares at me with the vacant gaze of the dearly departed. I thought it was simply a dead battery at first, but changing the battery had no discernible effect. I am forced to face the dread alternative that it has gone to the great hour glass in the sky.

This watch was only the second “serious” watch of my life. It was a replacement for the first “serious” watch, the one that was broken in the fatal accident I wrote about here. My wonderful Seiko has served me well all these years with nary a bit of trouble. It was on my wrist when L and I got married. It suffered through my PhD. orals with me. It calmly kept track of the universe when the Son was born and my grandfather died. It witnessed the death of both my father and father-in-law. It saw me through three terms as Mayor and innumerable rounds of golf. It lived a long and useful life, long enough to warrant a page in the book of rare digital watches, a fitting accolade for a 37 year old digital watch. And now it is gone.

Farewell old friend. You served me well. I hope you enjoy your rest.

The Month So Far …

I seem to be unable to get my bloggy groove running smooth of recent days, so here are a couple of the high points from the last couple of weeks. Hopefully just writing it out will re-start the groove thing. {*grin*}

We held our annual garage sale over Labor Day weekend. L and I have decided that this is the last one for a while. As you might remember from last year (described here), we had a big one. Here’s a picture of a small part of the sale from last year:

This year was a bit more restrained because we have finally gotten rid of a lot of the junk that accumulated over the last 20+ years of living here. Now that we are down to normal levels of trashy treasures, it is time to let the stuff breed and grow for a while. Then we can have another big one. At least the MIL was able to sell her freezer for more than she was asking for it.

This year also featured L and I’s anniversary falling on Labor Day. So on the 6th, L and I spent time together around the house and then went to supper with our mothers. What might be called a very high key celebration of 35 years of wedded bliss. {*grin*}  L and I have never been ones to treat the day as a cause for massive celebrations, but this was a very pleasant time because we got to spend it together with only a simple supper social obligation. For a number of years I played in a 3 day Labor Day golf tournament, so our anniversary almost always fell during the tourney. This year I did not and it made the day really laid back. A progression of L and I over the years:


20+ Years Married
Recent Times

I am still amazed how lucky I am to have L in my life, even after all these years.
Well, that is all I have time for right now. Hopefully I will be back to more regular blogging now that the garden, melons, and lawn have slowed down and the temperatures are starting to feel fallish. 

The Prodigal Returns

and leaves you wondering what the heck he was thinking. {*grin*}

I finally got a chance to look at my Google Reader today – only 937 unread posts! For those whom I owe a comment or two, the reading and subsequent commenting is in progress. Be patient.

This is a busy season. The garden has been going wild with cantaloupe and muskmelon and Honey Dews. So every few days I  wade through the melon patch picking the ripe ones before they get too ripe and literally explode. But boy are they tasty!

I’ll leave you with the mental image of me gobbling cantaloupe with every meal and this odd thought. The other night I was listening to a German radio station via the net and it brought forth the memory of constructing my first radio – a tube and transistor hybrid shortwave set from a kit. That let me listen to the world, intermittently and weather permitting. Now all I do is choose my station from amidst thousands to play with great fidelity via my computer. Yet I still miss the thrill of finally tuning in that elusive show after weeks of trying. The really odd thought is how much hidden technology has to function perfectly for me to listen to the station over the net. More and more what once was hard becomes easy – but it depends on a boatload of invisible technology to work. What is going to happen if the technology ever fails in a big way?

One Of Those Days

Today has been one of those days.

L headed back to the mountains this morning, which is always a bit sad.

The person working on the entry form for the Humane Society 5K Run and Pet Walk is no longer working for the hosting company. Of course I find out by the receptionist telling me over the phone that he is no longer with the company. At least it makes some sense for why it was taking him so long to get the form ready. I just wish they had let me know before it became a critical item on the event timeline.

Severe thunderstorm warnings started coming in by 2pm. By 3pm it was pouring rain. By 4:30pm, the alert sirens were wailing away with flash flood warnings. And of course it was then that the lightning started hitting nearby. Some of the bolts hit only a few hundred feet away and made such a boom that I literally leaped from my chair. (And of course Molly hasn’t gotten even an inch away since the thunder began.)

And now, even as I write, patrol cars with loud hailer at full volume are driving up and down the streets announcing “We are under a tornado warning. Seek shelter now.”

I think I’ll go hide under the bed and sleep until tomorrow. Sounds a lot more appealing than the day has been so far.

(And no, the picture is not mine – it is by Fred Smith and appeared in Meteorology News)

Odd Facts for the Paranoid

Given that today is yet another occurrence of Friday the 13th, it seems like a good time to apply some mathematical legerdemain in support of the true specialness of Friday. Why do I say Friday (and Friday the 13th) is a special kind of day?

Consider these two little known facts:

  • Friday is the most likely day to be the 13th.
  • The first day of a new century can never be a Friday.

No other day can make such claims! How can such outrageous claims be true? Let us begin by considering how our calendar works.

Every fourth year is a leap year, so in 400 years there are about 300 years that have 365 days, and 100 years that have 366 days.


Every 100th year is not a leap year, so that makes 304 regular years and 96 leap years.


Every 400th year is a leap year (which is why 2000 was a leap year), so we have 303 regular years, and 97 leap years.

That’s all the exceptions.

Thus the number of days in 400 years is given by

(303 x 365) + (97 x 366) = 146,097,

which is an exact multiple of 7, namely 7 x 20,871. That means the calendar repeats itself exactly, leap years and all, every 400 years.

Now all we have to consider is the 400 year cycle. In 400 years, there are 4,800 days (400 x 12) labeled with the date of the 13th. But, 4,800 is not evenly divisible by 7. Thus the frequency of the day of week of the days labeled the 13th cannot be uniform. This is one of those cases where actually enumerating the days and counting them up is the simplest way to get the number of Monday the 13th … Friday the 13th … Sunday the 13th’s. For the moment, trust me that the answer for the 400 year cycle is[1]:

Day Number of Occurrences in 400 years
Sat 684
Sun 687
Mon 685
Tue 685
Wed 687
Thu 684
Fri 688

So we see that Friday is indeed the day most likely to be the 13th, edging out Sunday and Wednesday by one occurrence per 400 years..

Working out that the first day of a new century is never a Friday (or Sunday for that matter) is much simpler.

There are 365 days in a common year. Dividing 7 into 365, we get 52 plus a remainder of 1. So a common year is exactly 52 weeks plus one day. Therefore, from a common year to the following year, New Year’s Day advances by one day of the week (DOTW, since us scientists cannot live without acronyms.). So if New Year’s Day of a common year falls on a Monday, the next year’s will be a Tuesday.

For a 366-day leap year, the remainder is 2, which means that going from a leap year to the year following, New Year’s Day advances by two DOTW – e.g., from a Monday to a Wednesday.

What happens to New Year’s Day over a period of several centuries?

In a single century, New Year’s Day advances by 100 DOTW (one per year) plus an extra day for each leap year. These come every four years, of course, except that a year evenly divisible by 100 isn’t a leap year. Therefore in each century there are 24 extra leap days (100 divided by 4, minus 1), meaning that from one century to the next, New Year’s advances by a gross total of 124 DOTW. But each complete week’s worth of days doesn’t do anything to advance New Year’s – seven days of DOTW advancement just gets you back to the day you started on – so we divide 7 into 124 and get a remainder of 5. Thus from one century to the next the net DOTW advancement is five days.

As a second century goes by, the DOTW advances another five days, for a total of ten days from the beginning of the first century. Taking modulo 7 of 10, we get three days of net DOTW advancement over the 200 years.

A third century advances New Year’s another 5 days, for a total of 15 DOTW; modulo 7 of this yields 1 day of net DOTW advancement.

For the fourth century, we have to take into account the third leap year rule: years divisible by 400 do have a leap day. So for the fourth century, we advance the DOTW another five days plus an additional leap day, plus the 15 days accumulated over the first three centuries, for a gross total of 21 days advanced. Take the modulo 7 of that, and you get a net total of 0: that is, the fifth century starts on the same day of the week that the first century did. Then the pattern starts over again.

So we have is one fixed pattern that repeats itself exactly every 400 years. Since there are only four starts-of-the-century in each four centuries, New Year’s can fall on only four of the seven days of the week. The winners depend solely on where the days of the week happened to line up with the cycle when the crazy leap year system was adopted. Our system is set up so that not only Sundays get left out, but Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. The first New Year’s of each 400-year cycle falls on a Friday, the next century starts on a Wednesday, the next on a Monday, and the next one – the century beginning with a year that’s divisible by 400 (like, e.g., 2000) – starts on a Saturday.

But you have to remember one little pedantic factoid – the new century technically starts in the the years ending with 01. If you define your centuries as beginning with the year ending in 01, then the cycle goes Saturday-Thursday-Tuesday-Monday. So being pedantic still won’t get you a century that starts on a Sunday, but it does get rid of Friday. {*grin*}

[1] If you don’t want to trust me about the frequency of the various days of the week over the 400 year cycle, consider this simple Excel spreadsheet calculation as elucidated by Graeme McRae on his wonderful MathHelp site:

… Start with the 13th of this month.  Put that date in cell A1.  Then in cell A2, put the following formula:


Copy the contents of cell A2 down to all the cells from A3 through A4800.  Now you have a table of the dates of all the 13ths of every month for the next 400 years.

Next, in cell B1, put this formula:


Copy that formula from B1 down to all the cells from B2 through B4800.  Here, numbers from 0 to 6 represent the days of the week, as follows:
Number Day
0 Sat
1 Sun
2 Mon
3 Tue
4 Wed
5 Thu
6 Fri
If you like, you can have Excel format these cells to show the day of the week instead of just the number.  Click Format, Cells, Custom, and type ddd as the custom format — it’s up to you.
Now, in cells C1:C7, enter the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in a vertical column.
In cell D1, enter the following formula, but don’t hit enter yet!


After you type the formula in cell D1, hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys, and press enter.  This makes the formula into an “Array Formula”, so it counts the number of days in column B that match cell C1.  Then copy this formula from D1 to D2 through D7.
If you format column C to make it show day-of-week (Click Format, Cells, Custom, and type ddd), then you will have a table that looks like this:
Day Frequency
Sat 684
Sun 687
Mon 685
Tue 685
Wed 687
Thu 684
Fri 688

Things Done Right