
The weather here has certainly been odd this fall. We have yet to have a hard freeze. Most of the corn is already in the cribs and silos and it has yet to freeze. Many years the question is when the snows will come, but this year it is when will the freeze arrive.

The average date of first frost here abouts is Oct. 10. So far it looks like we may even make it into November before it freezes here. Odd.

I can still tell that it is fall in spite of the late season warmth. The angle of the sun has increased to the extend that what I call the “reflective” season is upon us. Everything in the midday sun has a white-ish sheen that makes some things darn near impossible. Finding errant golf balls for instance – not that I would ever know about that. {*grin*}

Another hint of fall is how fast it is getting dark. I dread the beginning of daylight savings time as it exacerbates the effect. It is already getting dark around 5pm, a world of difference from the 9pm or later in the heady days of summer. I hate the days of December when it is dark by 3:30pm. (Assisted a bit by the infamous “fall back” time change.)

Well, I should get prepared. I am serving as the moderator of a panel/discussion/forum tomorrow from 10am to 4pm. The Northeast Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition is hosting to let people get answers to their disability questions. That’s what I get for being a staunch supporter when I was mayor. {*grin*}

Lest I forget, mom’s birthday is tomorrow. Since I know she reads here (and thinks I forgot):

Happy Birthday Mom!

7 thoughts on “Weather?”

  1. I am really not liking the early darkness. Plus since I moved it’s even an hour earlier than I was getting!

    It’s been an especially mild fall, hasn’t it?

    Happy B-day to your mom!

  2. We are still light outside until almost 8:30 down here. I look forward to the time change so that it is dark when my kids go to bed.

    Happy Birthday to your mom!

  3. AT least we get an extra hour of sleep with the time change. I just wish they did that on Sunday night/Monday morning so that we had the extra hour before the work week.

    Happy Birthday to your mom!!

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