The Wind …

True fall has finally blown in. Yesterday, as L left for the mountains, it was turning cool and windy. In the mountains, it was snowing and blowing, which made the ski areas happy, but which didn’t overjoy L. {*grin*} Reports are that it continued snowing this morning in the mountains.

In any case, it finally (barely) frosted here last night. I see some blackened leaves on the lilac bush which is a pretty good indicator that it dropped below 32. I haven’t gotten over to the garden to see if the few remaining zucchini plants have turned black or not. (Zucchini are very sensitive to freezing. About the only thing known to man that stops a zucchini in its tracks.) Ye olde lilac as a two toned shivering bush:

Today the wind is howling outside like a banshee and the temperature is not going to reach much above 50. The wind is running a steady 25-35 mph with gusts above 50 mph. What more could one ask for to herald the arrival of true fall weather? After all, nothing says fall like cold and bluster. The forecast is for a hard freeze tonight, dropping into the 20s. Of course, in the tradition of this oddly long mild year, the temperatures are headed for the 70s later in the week.

Tonight I need to attend the city council meeting since the second reading and public hearing on the master contract to build the new humane society facility is on the docket. At long last, after more than 6 months of delay, we may finally be on the way to getting the building started. So I’d better get back to work.

7 thoughts on “The Wind …”

  1. I was at a board meeting tonight too. Thanks for your comments on my soccer coaching situation. I would hope that winning or losing they would follow the coaches code of conduct. Of course, I wouldn’t know seeing as we are losing pathetically and my kid still isn’t playing.

  2. Well I hope the critters get a new shelter..there are so many without homes 🙁 It’s been pretty stormy here the last couple of days but thankfully no frost yet..I’m not quite ready 🙂

  3. Well I hope the critters get a new shelter..there are so many without homes 🙁 It’s been pretty stormy here the last couple of days but thankfully no frost yet..I’m not quite ready 🙂

  4. It’s true; it’s difficult to slow down a zucchini plant. I’ve heard stories of people who left zucchini on their neighbor’s porches in the middle of the night just to get rid of some of it! (No, it wasn’t me, honest!)

  5. The weather here has been crazy — one day it’s 93, the next (like today) is in the 50s. And crazy-strong winds, too. Good luck on the new humane society! I hope the project goes well.

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