When Last We …

When last we spoke, I was preparing to be a pallbearer in the cold. It was indeed cold and the wind was whistling. You could tell the foreigners because they tried withstanding the grave side service in nothing heavier than a suit coat. They were shaking pretty hard by the end since the wind chill was -25 degrees or lower.

Of course then started a warming trend that saw temperatures reaching the upper 50s Sunday and Monday. A lot of the snow melted and the ice could be chipped off. Today started nice but then the temperature dropped 30 degrees and it started snowing. So it is once more snow covered and the temperatures are headed into single digits again. Nothing like the variability of the weather out here on the high plains of Colorado.

Leaving the weather aside, I have been enjoying the outdoors while the weather was nice rather than writing here. (Sounds like a good excuse doesn’t it?)

The other day I was reflecting on how varied my musical tastes are. Everything from Katy Perry to Iron Butterfly to… In fact the only music I really can’t stand is some Rap music and a lot of the old cater-wauling country and western. So what forms of music can you not tolerate?

3 thoughts on “When Last We …”

  1. It’s been pretty cold here too. Not exactly snow weather cold like how it is with you but cold enough to freeze the rivers, water fountains and ponds we have in Tokyo. Plus a lot of fish died because the water has been too cold.

    As for music, I can’t stand a lot of the jpop stuff that comes out these days. We don’t get that much exposure to the international stuff so I don’t know what’s popular in the States. However, the stuff they play here border on being pure crap. When you have pop groups that consist of 48 scantily clad girls coming out with songs that land in the top 3 spots of any countdown charts, that’s when I feel like I need to stop listening to music and just enjoy peace and quiet.

    And no, the songs these girls come out with all suck. They’re just popular because they’re cute and there’s 48 of them dancing around in school girl uniforms and lingerie.

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