And the winner …

… for the oddest call of the week thus far – Mr. Elliot of Los Angeles.

The call went as follows:

Me: Dan Jones
Him: Hello, my name is Mr. Elliot. I’m not sure where I got this number, but is Dan Jones still the mayor of Sterling.
Me: No, that is Larry Fetzer.
Him: So he was just elected?
Me: No, about a year and a half ago.
Him: How long is the mayoral term?
Me: Two years.
Him: Oh!
Him: You’re probably wondering why I called? Well, we are playing a trivia game here in LA and we needed those answers. Thank you. Bye.

Which leaves me with questions:

  • Why play trivia during the day?
  • Why ask obscure questions about small rural Colorado town when playing trivia in LA?
  • Why not go to the Sterling city website and look up the answers? After all, you did enough searching to associate me and find my number – why not finish the job.
Oh well, I can now say that I have officially been a part of a trivia question and answer from half a continent away. Can you say that?

6 thoughts on “And the winner …”

  1. Definitely an interesting call…. And isn’t it considered long distance to call from Los Angeles?

    Wouldn’t it be funny if the person was calling from some tv trivia game? 🙂

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