A little about even less

I sit here writing this post after warming up from the trip home from the energy conference. Attendance was good, even with the bitter cold and wind. It was kind of fun to watch the transmission line company guys bob and weave while explaining why they weren’t getting the lines to transport all the energy from the wind farms out of the area. Fortunately for the local wind farms, FPL and others got together to build their own lines to the main interconnects. Leaves some of the other areas a bit frustrated with the chicken and egg problem (which came first, the transmission line or the wind farms?).

I hate this kind of bitter biting cold. Usually we only get it for a couple of weeks in January, but this year it is here in December. Oh well, I can dream that it means that January will return to seasonably warm out here on the plains. You know it’s cold when I keep putting my feet out to the server farm blowing waste heat to warm up. The computer nerd’s equivalent of the old yule log I guess. Instead of throw another log on the fire, just fire up a few extra processes on the servers. What do *you* do to get that extra warm feeling?

Off to do some laundry – at least the son put all the bedding in the laundry hamper after his weekend visit-by.

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