Writer’s Wednesday

The Mama Kat Writer’s Challenge is upon me once more. The challenge for this week offered the following choices:

1.) Tell us about a lie you told that you later regretted.

2.) Choose a task you’d like someone to complete and write a poem asking them to do it.

3.) Describe a talent you have.

4.) Write a list of ten things on your mind this week.

I decided to do the poems of request for my challenge this week. To make it really challenging for the wordy person that I am, I decided to do them in variant Haiku style. (I disclaim all responsibility for anyone who dies reading this!)

On the subject of getting the train whistles to calm down:

Sorrowfully wailing

Noisy train near

No whistling here

On the federally mandated water treatment:

Sparkling water clear

Federally mandated

You pay for it


Eight million years OK

One senate session not

Idiots abound

Now it is up to you to do your own challenge.

17 thoughts on “Writer’s Wednesday”

  1. (Came over from Mama Kat’s Workshop) 🙂

    I love haikus! They’re pretty tricky to write, but yours are great! I agree with everyone else and think that the water one is fantastic too. 😀

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