New feed is up and running

I lied. I went ahead and got the feeds changed out early. The old mangled feeds have been deleted and a single “correct” feed is now running.

If you were subscribed in a reader, unsubscribe and then click the subscribe in a reader button on the right. If you were a follower, unsubscribe (stop following) and they resubscribe (follow).
Let me know if you hit any oddities. (And thanks for your patience!)
As the old Outer Limits TV show used to say: “We now return control of your set to …”

7 thoughts on “New feed is up and running”

  1. Whatever you did must have fixed it! I had about 10 of your updates in my Following box this morning 🙂 I unfollowed and refollowed just in case though…

  2. I just go to blogs on their pages (perhaps I should switch to a reader … might be more efficient. But can you comment in a reader? I know you will know that answer. If so, could you recommend a reader for me that will let me comment as I read.) But I do know that your blog on my blogroll doesn’t say “updated 4 weeks ago).

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