Five Ordinary …

Time once again for

Five Ordinary People From This Week I Admire
  • The 90 year old gentleman that was visiting at the nursing home. He just came to visit since it meant so much to his late wife when she was there when people came to visit. From what the staff said, he visits at least once a week and asks who hasn’t had visitors to make sure he visits them. And he has been doing it for years now. (And a spry gent he was, too. He still drives truck to Omaha (~400 miles) and back at least twice a week because, as he put it, “… sitting in the house doing nothing would kill me.”)
  • The young mother with a little one in a stroller and a toddler in hand who stopped to ask the elderly gentleman carrying a bag of groceries as he wobbled down the sidewalk if he needed a hand. As busy as she was, she still thought of the needs of others and offered to help.
  • The young man who pushed and talked to his young brother on the swing set for the entire two hours I was walking in the park. From the bits of conversation I overheard, he was home on leave after boot camp and had missed his little brother and vice verse.
  • The squirrel that likes to sit in front of the parlor window at the nursing home and entertain one and all with his (or her) amusing antics. Much better entertainment than TV. (Technically not a person, but an honorary one for the nonce.)
  • The lady of indeterminate age who was trying desperately to voice command train her Basset Hound in the park. (Our previous dog was a Basset and they are notorious for not listening.) This one didn’t listen or obey, but the lady remained calm and was so obviously loving to her dog that you couldn’t help but root for her. Maybe she’ll get lucky some year.

Time to get back to the ailing computer that is trying to give up the ghost tonight. I hope it will survive!

11 thoughts on “Five Ordinary …”

  1. OH MY GOODNESS. You about had me in tears on that brother one. How amazing that you paid such attention in life this week that you saw those things. I’ve got to slow down. THANK you!

    Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. It’s funny how there were several ways to view that prompt.

    And, no, I’m not entirely sure the spankings are decreasing…gets better eventually, though right?

  2. I think this is one of my favorite posts of yours. I think everybody should try to have such a list every week. Hmmmm… idea….

    Love it!

  3. I should really try to notice things like that more often! The 90 yr old man visiting the nursing home to see those who don’t have visitors is just the sweetest thing I’ve heard in awhile. Thank you for noticing the good in people!!

  4. This was one of the sweetest, most positive, and excellent posts I’ve read this week! I loved it and it gave me warm fuzzies! Thank you for letting us all know how great the world can really be!

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