Five Things I Have Learned About Life From My Dog

It is time once more for

Five Things I Have Learned About Life From My Dog

  • No one notices or cares if you have hair growing in odd places as you grow older.

  • You can scratch any itch, even if it involves rather interesting locations, without comment. You can do it anytime, anywhere, and with any amount of gusto and no one will say a word.

  • When the weather is miserable, you can lay around inside the house all day without guilt.

  • You never get in trouble for rubbing against other people. You can even put your head in their lap and no one will complain.

  • You can always be excited to see the people you love. Even if you last saw them only two minutes ago, it is perfectly acceptable to go wild when you see them again.

6 thoughts on “Five Things I Have Learned About Life From My Dog”

  1. Very cute post. No doubt “it’s a dog’s life” is referring to just this kind of bliss. Fuzzy ears have never turned me on. Nose hairs even less. What you mention is such guy-type stuff… Is this a Mars/Venus sort of thing? Men are dogs fo’ sure… making woman cats? Maybe you can elaborate on pussy in you next post. 😉

  2. To live the life of a dog! And I love how excited they get when you come back …even if you’ve just been gone a minute! It is so endearing! Great post!

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