Monday Quickie

(Get your mind out of the gutter! I’m talking about a short post here.)

Today was odd here. I woke up to snow falling and even a bit accumulating on the ground. Quite a change from the upper 80s of a couple of days of ago. I just wish the weather would settle down to normal here, but I’m not holding out a lot of hope.

L was in town for some meetings and to take care of some business, so we had an early supper of soup and salad before she left for the mountains this evening. Along the way to the mountains, she was going to meet the Son in Denver to pass on some papers he needed and also some workout clothes he requested. Given that he will be back in the mountains for work tomorrow, it probably won’t be a major deal if the miss each other – except that they both like to talk and it does them both good. {*grin*}

The barometric pressure here has been rising and falling severely here for the last week. As a consequence, my shoulders have hurt constantly, especially the one I crushed a few years ago. I have a swan neck barometer here in my office:


This year is the first year it has encountered highs and lows severe enough to alternately spout out the top of the neck and suck air down through the bottom. It has been hanging there for years, but the weather here is definitely getting more changeable. Yesterday the air pressure was so low that the swan neck  was spouting out the top. Now it is so high that the swan is sucking air and bubbling. I vote for a return to some moderation.

Well, I’ve got some stuff to get done yet tonight, so until tomorrow ….

One thought on “Monday Quickie”

  1. Wow. Snow?? It’s been in the high 80s, low 90s here for the past week or so. Tank tops and shorts… cookouts… feels like summer. Hope it warms up for y’all soon. 🙂

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