A Day In My Life

I got the lawn mowed with no interruptions today! Hooray!

This morning L got ready to head back out to the Annual Conference of the Business and Professional Women (being hosted here) where she was a speaker and a judge. So I headed out into the jungle that is the lawn and whacked it to a more reasonable length. After cleaning up the mower and trimming, it was time to get on to the task of repairing the garage door opener..

I had to journey to the hardware store for the bolts I needed to repair the garage door opener. I couldn’t escape running into someone I knew there. Pat had just returned from a multi-month sojourn in Belgium on a consulting assignment, so we had to spend a few moments catching up. It is always interesting to see Pat. He was one of the early employees we recruited to our company close to 20 years ago. At that time he had been operating a liquor store in California. We recruited and trained him to do customer service and he hasn’t looked back. Pat is one of those guys that will try anything – skydiving, bungee jumping, you name it. All with an impish Irish grin.

Came back and fixed the garage door opener. It only involved about thirty trips up and down the ladder. So tonight my feet ache from hanging off the rungs. No one designs ladders for people with size 16+ feet.

It was then time to head over to Mom’s for some gardening. Some of the plants weren’t ready, so did some checking on the squash, replanting what wasn’t germinating. We’ve had huge (for us) amounts of rain in the last week, so the weeds are growing like wildfire. Makes me suspect it will soon be time to hoe my way to fame and fortune.

L got done with the conference and we headed to Taco Bell for supper. Colorado Taco Bell’s offer 4 tacos for a buck the day after the Rockies score 7 or more runs. (You have to buy a drink as well.) It has become a family tradition for L and the Son in the mountains to have tacos when they can. So L and I parked and walked inside, placed our order and then had a chance to visit with the gentleman and his wife who farmed and eventually bought our farm. It is amusing because he was (unknown to me until after we had been in business for quite some time) the best man at the wedding of one of my aunts (before I was around). He has been a Rockies fanatic since the franchise started, so he never misses the Rockies Tacos events. He was overjoyed a few years ago that the Rockies made it to the world series at least once in his life time.

We gathered our tacos and came home to eat. Then we headed over to do another therapy session for XXX. Then it was time to fix the toilet at the MIL’s and finally return home. That is where L and I suckered ourselves into re-watching one of the Home Alone movies. L sat in the recliner with the heating pad on her back since it has been out of whack all week and I sat in an arm chair fending off Molly the Dog who thought she should be petted for the entire movie. A nice time that is all too rare in our hectic lives.

Finally got showered and sat down to write this. Thus it is a wee bit later than normal.

One thought on “A Day In My Life”

  1. Hey there. Love your post. It’s nice to know that people are saying some nice stuff about Taco Bell. My name is Hessie Jones and we’re working with Taco Bell Canada in Social Media. It’s nice to hear these stories across my travels. I know you’re in the US but if you have time, check out our website http://tacobell.ca

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