Guilty Musical Pleasures

Time once more for:


A sad fact of life is that we all have music we love and listen to that doesn’t conform to our normal tastes or likes. In fact, this music is often embarrassing to admit that we listen to, let alone like. Thus I present for your aural edification my escapes from my normal Iron Butterfly tainted taste buds.

Five Guilty Musical Pleasures

Pussycat Dolls – Don’t Cha Busta Versionclick here (video embedding disabled)

Ashlee Simpson – Boyfriendclick here (video embedding disabled)

The Veronicas – 4Ever

The Veronicas – When It All Falls Apart

Heart – What About Love

So what are your guilty musical pleasures? C’mon – I know you have some.

11 thoughts on “Guilty Musical Pleasures”

  1. Funny – I never would have pegged you for those songs! LOL!

    One of my favorites is that song from Sesame Street, “Sing”…you know the one — “Sing…sing a song….sing out loud….sing out strong!”

    I also like “Right Round” by Flo Rida

    I have more, but since I love music so much, my list would go on forever!!

    Great post!

    ~ Jennifer

  2. I’ve with thebestnz, never would have seen The Pussy Cat Dolls on your list, but I can see why.

    I admit to having some Britney and 10CC on my iPod — actually, who am I kidding. I have a ton of guilty pleasures and love it to work out to.

  3. The Pussy Cat Dolls was a surprising pick but it is so catchy that you have to love it. Have you ever tried Pandora Online Radio. You should if you haven’t.

    Oh and by the way, Tag, You’re It. The instructions to this new weekly game are posted on my blog. I hope you’ll come out and play!

    Dang song is stuck in my head now!

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