Five Random Annoyances …

Time once more for:

Five Random Annoyances Whose Elimination Would Make Life Better

Mosquitoes – ‘nuf said.

People who dither. Nothing is worse that getting a call from someone who has to describe the lint on their pants and the color of their dental floss before they finally get to the point of the call. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, not a random walk in the woods.

Mushy phone calls. Some people seem not to realize that as the charge on their cell phone goes down, the voice quality gets worse and worse. In fact, there are some people who call that I know well and yet the sound quality makes it so I can’t understand a word they are saying, let alone recognize them.

Email forwarders. You know who I mean – the ones who insist on sending you all the old stale jokes and urban legends in existance. I find that once they have been reamed a new one by my response after the first time, the brighter ones tend not to do it again. See yesterdays post under chutzpah.

The Dog Days of August. Molly sheds long clumps of white hair at this time of year, depositing new tufts of fur within minutes of vacuuming. So the carpet looks like this:

(Sorry how hard it is to see the white Molly fur on the light carpet.)

It literally looks like I have a mad three year old barber wanna-be who attacked the dog all through the house.

7 thoughts on “Five Random Annoyances …”

  1. Good use of the word ‘dither’.

    Email forwarders. You know who I mean – the ones who insist on sending you all the old stale jokes and urban legends in existance. I find that once they have been reamed a new one by my response after the first time, the brighter ones tend not to do it again. See yesterdays post under chutzpah. —-

    Thank heavens for the DELETE button which I do almost everytime I get an email like that.

  2. I love that word dither. And I do not love dither-ers : ) although, I am pretty sure my Daddy might be one : ). So, in his case, I do love him!

    I didn’t know that about the cell phone and the batteries! So glad I stopped by to learn something new today!

  3. You just crack me up!! I hate email forwarders also. Most of the time I delete them before I even open them!! Annoying to say the least! Mosquitos….ugh don’t even get me started…..nuff said!! YES I am still alive although dying a slow painful death without internet!!

  4. Email forwarders are the worst!!! My inlaws are the worst for that. They forward everything and think all emails are true. What town in CO are you from?

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