Cool at last …

Cool at last, cool at last, good gosh almighty, cool at last  … (with apologies to Dr. Martin Luther King for paraphrasing and parodying)

Last night we got more rain, making a total of an inch and a half over two days. Understand that we normally get less that 12-14 inches a year our here. June was one of the wettest Junes on record here. July was pretty wet as well. August is getting up there now too. But that has nothing to do with today’s topic per se. The key is that the rains have been cold and so cooled it off. Today it barely got above 70 and after all the days in the 80-105 range, it is a real cause for celebration.

My friend T calls this time of year (although normally in September) when the nights get cool and the days are comfortably nice as “sleeping weather.” The days are perfect for getting things done; you feel energized with the ebbing of the heat. And the nights, oh my gosh the nights! They cool off and you can sleep the sleep of the dead and finally even use a *blanket*.

As you might guess, this is one of my favorite times of year. It signals the end of the drear heat of summer, but announces the beauty of the Indian summer that is now at hand. Maybe I am too close to the patterns of the weather, but I love the changes as the seasons pass. I especially love this season because it is associated in my mind with the start of football. The agony of practices and the joy of games, all of it. And it also means that we have only a while before frost  followed by real cold weather arrives

So what season is your favorite?

(L is still home and her brother and family are here visiting from Connecticut. L’s niece is preparing to head off to college in a few weeks and it’s fun to hear that excitement from a youngster. It’s also clear that girls and boys look at the process and what is important very differently. Boys seem to be concerned with who has the stereo and who has the xbox and … Girls seem to worry about things that most boys don’t think about – like what color themes for the room and which roomie is bring the iron and … 

Life will be returning to normal tomorrow and maybe I’ll even have a longer post. {*grin*})

5 thoughts on “Cool at last …”

  1. I’m just glad that it’s been wet so that the fire danger is lower. I could do without the hail thought. We got hit with marble size hail twice tonight. I can’t wait for football season.

  2. You know you’re setting yourself up. From what I’ve read on your blog, it’ll be 90 degrees next week.

    I LOVE Fall. It is the time of year when the air is crisp and perfect sweater weather.

  3. Well… considering we only have two seasons here: Summer and Summer Lite.

    My pick is Summer Lite. I can’t stand the heat. I shouldn’t have been born in New Orleans. Lol. I love Fall weather. Greg and I were just saying how much we want it to be fall already.

    As it is, Mother Nature is bowling again. We had three hurricanes named in one week!

  4. My favorite season is spring. I love the newness of life! Summer is a close second because I love spending days with my favorite little person on the planet! We have so many adventures. Fall is lovely because of the brisk weather and the beauty! I just love those leaves changing color! Winter is my least favorite because snow driving scares me, but I do love those first few snowflakes falling from the sky. So pretty. I am so thankful for the beautiful world God created. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

  5. Here in NY, I look forward to the crisp chill of the autumn air. I feel alive again. Summer is wonderful, but there is something about fall that brings me tons of energy.

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