Short and sweet

Now that the Monday night double header of pro football is over, I can drop a few words off here.

Spent part of the afternoon mowing the lawn that I couldn’t this weekend and then picking tomatoes from the garden. You can tell fall is fast arriving. Tomatoes, peppers, and squash are about all that is left in growing fettle. Picked the first of the winterish squash today and it was delicious. Maybe it will make up for the fact that our acorn squash crop looks like it might not make it before the freeze. Not only did we have a heck of a time getting the plants to grow at all this year, they have been really slow to fruit and mature. It has been an especially odd year for cantaloupes and watermelons, they are still not fully ripe and normally they are mostly harvested by this time. I suspect our lone surviving Honey Dew plant with a number of melons will not get them ready before the frost comes.We will see.

Time to get back to putting things together. I have a couple of machines in pieces strewn about the place and need to put them back together before I lose some parts. Not that I’m saying Molly might run off with them. {*grin*}

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