Moody Monday

L headed back to the mountains this morning, only to report that it was warmer there than here. She also noted that there was no snow on the ground like here. Keep in mind that her location in the mountains is ~5000 feet higher in altitude and the other side of the continental divide from here. Made me jealous when she reported it was in the 50s there – it never got much above 35 here today.

Molly and I spent the afternoon moping and missing L. Not too surprising sincewe both miss her. So in honor of the melancholy mood of the afternoon and the drear and cold, I present the following mood altering and indulging set.

First up, Foreigner with “I Want To Know What Love Is”:

Followed by Boston with “More Than A Feeling”:

And then to begin the transition out of melancholy and into feel good, The Beatles with “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”:

With the motor starting to crank up now, it is time for some AC/DC with “T.N.T.”

And finally, now that we are back in the realm of the living, Guns N’ Roses covering Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”

The extra credit question of the day – for what movie did Bob Dylan compose “Knockin On Heaven’s Door”? No fair using Google to look it up!

4 thoughts on “Moody Monday”

  1. I don’t know the answer, darnit!!! Do I credit for not lying after googling!

    Thanks for the music break. I’ll be singing “While My Guitar..” all night now. Love it.

    At least you have a Molly to mope with.

  2. I love a lot of the songs, but the Foreigner one brings back some memories.

    Dang, haven’t a clue about the answer. I was hoping Stacey had it and I could copy her answer (I wouldn’t be googling the answer).

  3. I love those songs 🙂 But I have no idea as to the answer either. Can I google it now, because it’s going to drive me up a wall. Lol.

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