Five Experiences of Today

Time once more for

Five Experiences of Today
  • Low barometric pressure fore-running the storm and cold rolling in tomorrow.
  • Weather with 58 degree warmth after dark due to the above. (Thus was actually pleasant!)
  • A special joint meeting of the city, county and rural fire district wherein the group calling the meeting had no prepared agenda.
  • Sinus headache.
  • Dryness. With the change in the weather my nose and mouth and eyeballs are dry. You know it is bad when your tongue sticks to your upper palate and your eyeballs hurt.

A cold front is supposed to roll through tomorrow evening possibly bringing snow and wind and … It has already brought falling barometric pressure as witnessed by my goose neck barometer:

Notice the blue fluid almost running out the top of the tube. A sure sign that the barometric pressure is really low and that all my joints are screaming. What fun!

5 thoughts on “Five Experiences of Today”

  1. Ooooo, enjoy the snow! Bawahahahahaha. Sorry, I just had too. ‘Cause I haven’t seen snow in more than 25 years and would kinda like a day or two of it. But I know that you aren’t looking forward to it at all.

  2. “A special joint meeting of the city, county and rural fire district wherein the group calling the meeting had no prepared agenda.”

    I have attended a few of those–enough to remove the good humor from even the best mood.

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