Have you ever been on the cover of a magazine? I have, several times. But the most recent is from the December Issue of a magazine you may not read. Remember back to this post when I chaired my last meeting as President of District 1 of the Colorado Municipal League? The meeting was held at the arch rival town up the road because they wanted to show off their renovation project. Well, the project ribbon cutting they celebrated pre-meeting made the cover of Colorado Municipalities magazine:
Can you spot me in the picture? Remember that I was the mayor of the arch-rival city at the time, so don’t look for me in the front ribbon cutting row. {*grin*} (I apologize for the graying the glossy paper caused in the scan, but if you click to see the picture full size it is a bit clearer.)
Finally ready to give up? Well look at this version of the cover with my fine artistic modifications:
The two bodies so blatantly outlined in red are my city manager and myself. I am the big one on the right side.
Okay, okay. I admit it was sort of a hoax to say I was on the the cover of this issue, but it piqued your curiosity didn’t it?
Bahahahaha! That is HILARIOUS! They really honored you that day, didn’t they!
hahaha I actually found you before I scrolled down! Go me!
hahaha I actually found you before I scrolled down! Go me!
Despite the smaller-than-expected tribute to you, you still trumped me in the fame department.