A Potpourri of Odd Things

Yesterday could have been called Black Sunday in these parts. A friend’s mother passed away in the morning. And then one of my uncles lost his battle with cancer in the afternoon.  My sympathies to both families as they deal with death and Christmas in the same week.

Then we come to today. The temperature was close to 60 degrees and much of the snow and ice melted away. But … the weather critters are now predicting a big snow for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. (In fact, one of the weather critters is predicting a blizzard on Christmas Day for here and the area to the east.) Would it have been too much to ask for the nice weather to hang in there for a bit. Now the most reliable of the weather critters is predicting snow starting tomorrow evening and continuing all day Wednesday and then blowing and snowing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Oh and a glorious 18 for the high on Christmas. Guess I’d better quit hoping for nice weather or it will be 20 below and blizzarding.

Now that I have been all gloom and doom and caused glazed eyes in those of you still reading, it is time for some humor. I subscribe to a great little paper full of sarcasm, humor and snark called Funny Times. It features everything from essays by the likes of Dave Berry, political cartoons, and just plain fun. One of my favorites is Jon Winokur’s Curmudgeon column. Each month he choses a topic and then presents a number of quotes pertaining to the topic. Usually I know about half the quotes, but sometimes it is a complete skunk. So I herewith present 5 quotes that I actually knew from this months column on the topic of Washington, D.C.:

Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm. – John F. Kennedy

Washington is a very easy city for you to forget where you come from and why you got there in the first place. – Harry S. Truman

Being a Chicago Cubs fan prepares you for life – and Washington. – Hillary Rodham Clinton

After two years in Washington, I often long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood. – Fred Thompson

The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn’t for any religious reasons. They couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin. – Jay Leno

So what is your favorite quote about Washington, D.C.?

3 thoughts on “A Potpourri of Odd Things”

  1. I don’t have any quotes about DC but I can truly appreciate John F Kennedy’s quote. Seeing as how I have lived in the south almost all of my life but was raised by Yankee parents.

  2. I don’t know of many DC quotes. But it really is a fun place to visit.

    i’m sorry to hear of your uncle and friend’s mom passing. It’s a rough time of year to lose a loved one.

    We’re supposed to get that snowstorm on Christmas Eve/Christmas too. I’m doubtful that they’ll forecast it right, but who knows. In any case, I’m prepared to hunker down for a few days at home if it does. I’m armed with lots of tea and new reading material. So bring it on!

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