
This afternoon I was watching a football game with Molly asleep at my feet and L napping in another room. As I sat there, the thought struck me that it just doesn’t get any better than this. The year passing behind us may have been filled with ups and downs and challenges, but having the people you love safe and sound and being able to relax with your nearest and dearest has to be the best of all possible worlds. Of course, life would have been better if the Broncos would finally act like a real team and win.

L had a number of pictures in her cell phone when she arrived here for Christmas, so I figured I’d share a few.

First up is the lighting of the Breckenridge Christmas Tree from earlier in the month:

It is a tradition in the community to hold a lighting of the tree. Always well attended even when the temperature is well below zero!

And then of course there was the Dew Tour stop in Breckenridge which L just had to trek out and go see in person in the wind and cold.

There were others, but L managed to photograph her thumb in them.

Finally, there was this picture of a life-sized bust that the Son and his friend managed to inherit and which now sits in L and the Sons living space.

Recognize the face? Nothing like having Ronnie’s smiling mug to scare you at night as the moonlight gleams from his greenish bronzed face.

Oh, those of you who were curious as to why I got a roll of toilet paper with a note in it all gift-wrapped – well, I made the mistake of mentioning to mom one day that a certain periodical went immediately from the mail box to the bathroom since it was ideal light reading. So the roll of toilet paper with the cryptic “this goes with the real gift” was the clue to let me puzzle out that mom was gifting me with a renewal to the periodical in question. You have to stay on your toes in this family to know what you got from whom.

7 thoughts on “Reminisces”

  1. I agree… having those you love safe and close by is such a wonderful feeling. I had a similar epiphany yesterday while we were all lounging on the couch. Happily, my Packers won. 🙂

    I felt bad for the Broncos. I work with Kyle Orton’s sister, she has some interesting stories to tell about the NFL.

    I love the TP gift – sounds like my kind of family humor.

  2. lol that’s a great reason to get a roll of tp! The tree is so pretty..L got some good pics! And that Reagan bust would scare me to death in the middle of the night too!!

  3. At first I thought the toilet paper was wrapped in the mask. (You know how old ladies like to dress up unmentionables…) But your comment about having loved ones safe and near really hit home. That is the best gift of all.

  4. Your mom is the best! Glad you had such a great year. And with only 3 days left I’m pretty happy to realize that I didn’t lose any loved ones this last year. That makes this year WONDERFUL!

  5. Very clever mom to renew your subscription that way.

    Years ago, when my sister was pregnant, she gave my mom and dad a little snowman ornament for Christmas. Her last name is Snowman, but the message was lost on my parents.

    Great idea, but bad audience.

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