Today was a beautiful indian summer type of fall day. The sky was crystal clear blue, the sun was warm, and the air temperature was in the low 60s. It was great!
As I walked cross town to a doctor appointment (I managed to wear a hole in the bottom of my foot and so need inlays for my walking shoes), I couldn’t help but enjoy the newly fallen leaves from the cool weather last night. They are covering everything in their plenty. Can you spot the sidewalk  in this picture?
Yeah, it means someone is going to have to rake a bit this weekend.
Unfortunately, it was not a hard enough freeze to kill the grasshoppers. They were hopping in mass with every pile of leaves I kicked as I walked. Maybe later in the week. I can always hope.
Enjoy the raking. I’ll being doing the same; especially with the neighbor who allows his leaves to blow onto our property.
Our trees are still green. (Or dead from the brutal summer heat.) I think they start to turn colors in late November.
Tis spring south of the equator, the leave stay put and the fallen blossoms look lovely.