I’m Back ….

Now that Valentine’s Day and President’s Weekend are over, I can safely return to the web. You never can tell when an errant rose thorn will attack. {*grin*}

L was down from the mountains for the weekend. It was the first time a few years that we have been able to spend Valentine’s Day together. Being the uber romantic that I am, I took her to the Republican Lincoln Day dinner on Saturday. (What? You can’t picture a more romantic setting than listening to different misinterpretations of the remarks of others for a few hours? You have no sense of adventure and romance! {*grin*})

It looks like the primary for county sheriff will be the exciting race this year. The former incumbent who lost 3 years ago is back and running via petition to avoid the party entirely. The sitting incumbent who beat the him is re-running too. And just to make sure the pot is stirred a bit more, the former under-sheriff is running too. It was one of the nastiest and muddiest races in local history three years ago; this time around looks to be even worse. My opponent for county commissioner and I joked that the sheriff’s race looked like so much fun that maybe we should have stood up and announced we had decided not to run for commissioner, but were both going to enter the sheriff’s race instead. It would have been worth it just for the brouhaha it would have created.

L and I spent the remainder of the weekend taking walks with Mollie, watching the Olympics, and just hanging together. Even occasionally holding hands and other such things. Truly the most romantic way to spend the long weekend with your loved one. Monday night our mothers brought over the ingredients and we cooked dinner and had cake in honor of L and my upcoming birthdays. Mine is tomorrow and then five days later it is L’s turn. (Yup, I am perpetually the “older man” in L’s life – a whole whopping five days older. And you will notice I resisted disclosing my age since it would reveal L’s as well. Actually, I’m turning 24 since I started counting backwards a few years ago.)

Tomorrow looks to be busy. I am invited down to fill the air-waves at the radio station with my political hot-air stylings in the morning, then I have to get the precinct material ready to be sent out for the campaign, and then in the evening I have another installment of the webinar from hell to attend for my job. (Think home land security meets animal welfare during a disaster. 3 hours of material that can make FEMA certification courses look exciting.) At least there will only be another pair of webinars and then I will be certified.

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