A Popourri Of Random Thoughts

The wacky weather continued here. Remember that it was snowing and we had blizzard like conditions on Friday? Well, today it was in the lower 70s and blowing. Tomorrow? The forecast is for rain turning into snow. Let’s hear it for spring time weather in the land of the Rockies! Not as bad as the below, but close!

Speaking of the Rockies, the Son and L ventured down to Arizona to watch a couple of Rockies’ spring training games (and get some sun burn going). Sounds  like they had a great time and also enjoyed a real nice photo day. Both L and the Son are somewhat rabid baseball fanatics. Me, not so much. I much prefer football, but even I can get wound up in a pennant race at the end of the season. Here’s hoping I get a chance to get wound up this year.

The downside of the lark is that they arrived back in the mountains at about 4am this morning and both had to work today. When I talked to L about noon, she was really happy that her first meeting of the day had been in a coffee shop so she could go for the 16oz latte. She needed the buzz.

Back to getting some real work done. It seems that the days are way to short to get everything done I need to. Especially when the day is warm and sunny like today so Molly and I can get some sun as we walk.

I’ll leave you with these nuggets of folk wisdom:

Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs built the ark,
professionals built the Titanic.

Even if you are on the right track,
you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.

5 thoughts on “A Popourri Of Random Thoughts”

  1. I like baseball, but don’t invest as much time as I used to.

    I would like to see a Rockies game in that home stadium. Watching the extra lift that fly balls get, makes for interesting home run derbies on occasion.

  2. Yowsers. You went from that snow to 70s and now more snow? That’s even harder than what we do. We have only ventured near the 50s, but knock on wood we’ll stay there. Here’s hoping it’s more 70s and less snow for you!

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