Five Things That Leave Me Going Huh?

Five Things That Leave Me Going Huh?

People who watch reality TV.

People who fail to consider of the different abilities of others.

Molly, who wags her tail in time to only some of the music I have on.

My neighbor who mows his lawn twice a week, even now when it has barely started to grow.

The crow trying to nest in the evergreen bush outside my bedroom window. The raucous battle between the crow and the robins nesting in the pine trees makes morning a noisy affair.

(World’s Largest Crow – Belgrade, Minnesota – Photo by Oxley)

9 thoughts on “Five Things That Leave Me Going Huh?”

  1. I had to laugh at the neighbors who mow every other day. One guy has monster dandelions in his yard and I agree they grow fast this time of year, but buying some weed killer and using it will get rid of the weeds and allow you to do something else with your life–outside of mowing all the time.

  2. I so agree with you about those “assessments of ability.” Are we all supposed to fit in the same box?

    Now I need to know what is Molly’s favorite song?

  3. I have to shamefully admit to being one of those who watches reality TV. Not ALL of it. But I do get suckered in to a few shows…. don’t judge me!! Haha 🙂

  4. Like Slamdunk, the neighbor with the lawnmower cracked me up. You’d love me as a neighbor — right now, all the little grape hyacinths and violets are blooming. I don’t mow the lawn till they finish blooming because I like the purple lawn. It is my signal that Spring is here.

  5. I don’t get reality tv watchers, either. Not the ones who watch religiously.

    I also know that guy who cuts his lawn twice a week. Odd. 🙂

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