Oddities of an evening

It’s cold and windy and raining outside and here I am inside with a soaked dog. There is nothing like having a soaked long-haired dog like Molly wanting to lay her dripping muzzle in your lap.ร‚ย What more could a man ask for?

(Tagged art courtesy of Banksy.)
Aside from the damp dog and weather, all is copacetic. {*grin*}
Fitting with the mood of the evening, I present five odd facts for your edification:
  • The symbol above the 3 key (#) is an octothrope. Contrary to all the masses who incorrectly call it the pound sign or number sign.
  • The eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain.
  • A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. Thus all of you who post on a certain service featuring a blue bird logo and 140 character limits are abusing pregnant goldfish.
  • Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
  • A quarter has 119 groves around its edge.
So what strikes you as odd today?

5 thoughts on “Oddities of an evening”

  1. I’d kinda like to see dueling make a comeback here in the states. Throw a couple of socialites into the dueling ring and let them have at it!

  2. OMG, “copacetic” – haven’t heard that word in years. Wonderful oddities; if there isn’t a 2nd defn. of a pregnant goldfish there should be. The actions of about 95% of the population are those of Pg. fish.

  3. Hmm, interesting oddities. I feel like I just got a little smarter ๐Ÿ™‚

    ‘Twit’, isn’t that also used as a way of calling someone an idiot? So which use came first, the pregnant goldfish or the idiot?

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