I’m Back

I got back from playing corporate spouse last night. More on that later.

Just before I left, I learned of the death of my life long friend G’s mother. (G was my wing man when I first went out with L and one of the groomsmen in our wedding, amidst other things.) Since G and I have been friends since 4th grade almost 45 years ago, it also meant that I spent a lot of time at his house and around his mom as we grew up. In any case, her funeral was this morning and I got back in time to attend and then spend time with G and family.

The service was interesting because, rather than the usual sorrow and loss, there was a great sense of relief that Shirley (G’s mom) had passed on to better things. She suffered from aggressive Alzheimer’s and had reached the point where she no longer even remembered how to feed herself. As G’s sister, who had cared for Shirley at her home for the last several years said, “I lost my mother years ago, I just followed my nurse’s training and took care a body that reminded me of her.” So it was a bittersweet affair. We all had memories of the person who was Shirley, but had already gone through the loss of that person.

The burial was at one of the local rural cemeteries.  Of course it was already 95 degrees and the sun was blazing on the treeless prairie around the cemetery at the time. Then there was a lunch at the Masonic Lodge for family and friends. (Shirley was a 50 year member of Eastern Star.) It was there that I got a chance to do some visiting up with G. On top of the death of his mother, tomorrow he finds out if he still has a job. He is an engineer on the NASA booster project that has been used as a political football of recent months. Think positive thoughts for him.

Good night for now.

4 thoughts on “I’m Back”

  1. Nice that you were able to be there for the funeral; I’m sure your friend and his family appreciated it. Alzheimer’s is just nasty; I really admire your friend’s sister for being able to take care of her mother like that. It really takes guts to do all that for your own mother. (And I will be holding a good thought for your friend’s job; I’m a big fan of the space program.)

  2. I’m so sorry for your friend’s loss. Alzheimer’s is a horrible thing and when you care for the people who are suffering you truly do have to say goodbye early. It is so hard to seperate who they are from who they’ve become. Especially if they become mean.

    I hope your friend returns to a job- such a tough time for him.

  3. Sorry to hear about your friend’s loss. Living with Alzheimer’s is one of the worst ways to spend the last of your days…for the person suffering it and for the family who loves that person. I hope that your friend is doing ok…

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