Category Archives: music of the moment

Perfection or Not

I often find myself walking in the park and listening to music on my phone (one of the joys of a smart phone is that it doubles as a music machine and computer and …). Sometimes the mood of the day and the endorphin high of the walk and the sound of the music meshes perfectly. It is on those days that I have a hard time resisting the temptation to dragoon each and every person that I encounter and insisting that they grab an earphone and share the perfection of the experience.

Other times I am mired in the day and cannot find music that matches the weather and the walk. It is the type of day feels like a slog. On those days I pass people who look like they are clearly having a day where everything is perfect. On those days I am sorely tempted to stop them and ask what they are listening to so that I can gain that  nirvana too.

So my questions for you are:

  • Do you ever feel that urge to share the perfection of the soundtrack of your life? 
  • Do you ever want to ask someone else what soundtrack is making their day so much better than yours? 

Inquiring minds want to know?

A Popourri Of Oddness

Yippeeeeee – no jury duty for me today. When I called last night, the trial was indeed called off. So I missed out on the coffee and donuts, but my health thanks me for that.

Tonight was a preliminary look at the budget for the city. In one of those strange oddities that I have never understood, the budget for next year will be set and the public hearing held and the budget adopted just before the new mayor and council are seated. So the newbies get an already done budget when they are seated. Of course, they could chose to start over, but I cannot remember ever hearing of a newly seated council wanting to open that can of worms. Not to mention that by statute, the budget has to have been set, public hearings held, and the budget adopted all within a two week period. Thus we have work sessions like this to kick the tires and get the glitches fixed before the clock starts ticking with the official “presentation” of the budget. Are you bored enough yet?

(As I type this, my station is playing Cream’s White Room. Given the stellar music Cream produced in the short time they hung together, I’ve always wondered what heights they would have scaled if they could have stood each other for just a bit longer. Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Jack Bruce were the epitome of heavy music of the period. And perhaps the greatest guitarist, drummer, and bassist of the time all in one band. One relatively unknown pleasure I still love from college was Baker-Gurvitz Army, Ginger Baker’s follow on group. And of course you already know I love Clapton.)

So here is a set for your enjoyment! First up Cream and “White Room”:

Followed by a little up tempo “People” by Baker-Gurvitz Army from my graduate school days:

And then for the penultimate experience of the music of the time – Cream with “Sunshine of Your Love” (check out the facial expressions on Ginger during his drum moments and contrast that with the early heroin addition glaze of Clapton):

My job here is done. Time to get ready for the radio show in the morning.