Category Archives: benefactor

Friday, Friday ….

A fitting capstone to the week. It has been busy this week and next week is looking to be even busier. I’ve never quite figured out why the weeks in December always seem to be so busy. At least part of it stems from the sudden realization by many people that if it doesn’t get done *now* it won’t get done this year. Another part stems from the seemingly random congruence of the universe as things one has worked on all year finally approach fruition. Yet another part seems to come from people in the holiday mood who suddenly remember they haven’t said hi or talked to you in a while. I spent so much time talking on my cell this afternoon that I had to charge it this evening.  Add everything together and it seems like December is the busiest month of the year.

As the recompense for suffering through a call to the lawyers today about contract matters, I was fortunate enough to have coffee with a benefactor of the town, the college, the hospital, and just about everything else in the area. He and his family recently sold their company and being the type of people they are, he was already thinking about what other needs the community has. He has already given millions in the last couple of years to the community through the city – for an outdoor water park, for a new park, for the expansion of the library. He has made the city council and me as mayor look like superstars with his donations to the city and his trust in us. And he and his family don’t even reside in the city proper. The most interesting thing is the modesty of he and his wife. I literally had to twist their metaphorical arms before being allowed to put a 6 inch plaque up acknowledging his gift on the water park fence. Even then it had to be in an inconspicuous location. He and his wife did it for the joy of seeing the kids enjoying the park, not for acknowledgment or acclaim or credit. Opening day we had free admittance and he and his wife were able to watch the kids stream in and enjoy the gift.  It was the closest I have ever seen he and his wife to tears.

Now that he has sold his company, there will be an announcement on Monday that will forever change health care in the area. And knowing him, if he can manage it, the gift will be from anonymous. If he can’t remain anonymous, he’ll just duck his head and say it was what anyone else would have done. But you and I know that isn’t true. One of the greatest joys of being mayor has been getting to know people like him better. People that are fundamentally good. People who give back to the communities that they have lived in for years and years, where they had their families, raised their kids, and this case even buried one son due to the ravages of cancer. That son was a classmate of my wife and I.  And I suspect the son would be just as modest and good as his father if he were alive today.

Enough for tonight. I have to be ready to enjoy the semi-nice weather tomorrow because it is supposed to turn cold and snowy on Sunday. The forecast for Sunday is for a high of 14 and a low in the negative numbers with moderate to high winds and snow. A good day to curl up before the fire with a cup of soup and the Sunday papers.