Category Archives: crown

Miscellaneous Monday

Q: What do you call someone who has been crowned twice in one month?

A1: Broke.
A2: A dual monarch.
A3: Relieved.

I’ll let you chose the answer you like the best. {*grin*}

Today was a bit chill out here on the plains. It got up to somewhere between 5 and 10 degrees (it all depends on who you believe). Add to that a nice 15 mph breeze and it felt downright chilly. I walked over to the dentist’s at about 2pm and it was breezy and snowing and cold. It never got any better after that. Now tonight it has cleared off and the temperatures are dropping fast, heading towards another subzero night. But the good news is that the forecast for the weekend is for days in the 50’s.

Ran into a former intern of L’s from her past business. The young lady was a Boettcher scholar and has finished her undergraduate degree now. Found out she is working near the university she attended for the nonce until medical school starts in the fall. It is always nice to see someone do well, especially someone who is a daughter of an acquaintance and went to high school here. She won my heart when she was working at the country club one summer at the remote stand. To fill the time between golfers, she had her calculus book and was boning up on definite integrals. Warmed the cockles of my scientist’s heart. She was back in town for her sister’s birthday and just happened to be in for her dental checkup when I was there. My dentist and I think she will be a good doctor. (She was also a classmate of one of my dentist’s daughters.)

According to my dentist, I’m now good for another twenty years or more. I’m just happy that I can open my mouth again and let the air in without a blast of pain. Amazing how much difference in quality of life $10 worth of glue can make.

Time to put my notebook together for tomorrow’s council meeting. We have a number of things to go over, including the approval interview of the new fire chief. Hopefully won’t run too long.

Return of the Dentist

I write this with a numb half face. You know, the kind of face you get when you’ve been to the dentist and are wondering if you’ll ever feel your tongue and cheek again. Today was the preparation for the crown to replace the tooth a I broke back a while ago (Described here and here and here.). Now all I have to do is live with the temporary cap for the next month (until January 5th) as the crown is made and the Holidays pass. If it is like past occurrences, the temporary will last about 2 weeks and then I’ll have to have a new one put on. My bite tends to grind holes in the hollow temporaries.

We finally got a tiny skiff of the snow that raged around us over the weekend. Not enough of a trace to even tell whether it was snow or just the hoar frost blowing into the cracks. As I walked to the dentist’s office this morning I was debating with myself whether it was snow of the hoar frost. There wasn’t much in any case. The dental nurse said that there was more to the east and west of us and that it was definitely snow. Typical for the valley we live in here. As my wife got ready to return to the mountains yesterday afternoon, we kept an eye on the road reports since some of the interstate route closed briefly due to the snow and ice in the mountains. She got back to the mountains in good shape and reported they had 2-3 feet of new snow. We are still awaiting our first real snow out here on the plains. If it wasn’t for the fact that the farmers need the moisture, I could be happy that it hasn’t snowed yet.

Well, off to return phone calls and get the reports done for tonight’s Boy Scout Committee meeting. Hopefully my face will have returned to normal by then. Right now the front and lower lip is still numb enough it is hard to even drink my morning coffee. What a disaster – a morning without coffee!