Category Archives: emotional state

Sunday Going Down

Sunday evenings are an emotionally down time for me. L has ususally headed back to the mountains and I am left with that sad feeling that comes with each new separation after spending time together. It beats the other feeling – you know, the one where you are overjoyed to see your spouse leave. A friend once described his feelings about his soon to be ex-wife in the following way. They had been out and she was driving. They came to the house and he got out to open the garage door and she drove on around the block. He said “I saw the tail lights going away and I just wished with all my heart that they and she would just keep on going and never come back and that I would never have to see her again. I didn’t even care if it meant I spent the rest of my life alone.” That feeling.

The weather isn’t helping that low feeling one bit today. It has been overcast and cool all day. But the weatherpeople got it wrong once more. It was not windy. It just never got warm after the low of Saturday night. Combine the still, gray, overcast day with the chill and you have a great day for curling up and feeling sad. Unfortunately, I didn’t do that and instead had some other stuff to work on. It would have been a great day to curl up with some hot tea, a good book, Molly the wonder dog, and some really dreary music in front of the fireplace. Oh well.

You may have noted that I added an avatar picture on the right side of the page. If you are curious, you can build your own “Mangatar” on the Face Your Manga site. It’s fun and simple to do. If I can do it with no artistic ability, you certainly can. Make sure you click on the FACCEYOURMANGA tab in the toolbar on the top of the site – the create it now square in the middle of the page has a broken link. Other than the fact that the avatar is a lot more handsome than I am, it is pretty close, including the white hair and wrinkles. Here are the mangatars I made of L and I:

L came out well except for the hair color. L has almost platnum blonde hair as opposed to the flaxen hair on the mangatar. (Makes it so you can’t tell that she is graying like me – her gray is almost the same as her natural color. I’m jealous!) Those of you that know L and I in real life can make your own informed judgement on the avatars.

I’m always amazed by the number of bloggers who try to be or believe they are anonymous on their blogs. That will certainly never be the case here. I know that my mom, MIL, L, the Son, some city council members, friends, and others read this blog. How do I know? They comment on what I write face to face or via email or telephone. One recent exception was that L left an anonymous comment on this post. Otherwise, I write and they respond in real life. Does that happen to you via a vis your blog? I assume it must happen for those of you that write family update sites, but what about the rest of you. Is you blog life divorced from your real life or is it an integrated part of your life? Do the two intersect?

Well, time to get back to doing something real – like letting Molly back indoors so she can continue moping over the departure of L.