Category Archives: country bob’s

Country Bob’s Joes

The people at Country Bob’s sent me a couple of bottles of their wonderful All Purpose Sauce a while ago and last week I finally got a chance to do some experimental cooking with it. After trying a few of the dishes from their recipe book, it was time to begin adapting my cooking to it. The first thing I had to try was a new version of the old Sloppy Joe standby. It came out great, so here it is:

Dan’s Country Bobified version of the Sloppy Joe:

1 lb. ground hamburger
1 chopped green pepper
1 chopped medium onion
2 cups chopped/diced tomatoes with juice
1 tablespoon spicy brown mustard
1/2 cup County Bob’s All Purpose Sauce
salt, pepper, garlic powder, and chili powder to taste

Brown the hamburger and onion in a fry pan, adding in the chopped peppers about half-way through the browning. When the meat is browned completely, drain and then stir in the tomatoes and juice, the mustard, the Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce, a dash of salt and pepper and a bit of chili powder and garlic powder. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for about 20 minutes until the liquid from the tomatoes has mostly evaporated. Serve over a half-bun or home made bread slice as an open face sandwich with dill pickles and chopped onion for a garnish. Definitely tasty.

When I made this, I used some frozen diced tomatoes from Mom’s garden that I had in the freezer. Some other variants that are tempting me is to replace the tomatoes with a can of either diced tomatoes with jalapeño peppers for a spicy version and diced tomatoes with habanero peppers for a blazing hot version. (Diced tomatoes with jalapeño peppers and diced tomatoes with habanero peppers are available in the Mexican foods section of most grocery stores.)

If you try this or any variants, let me know.

BTW, I just checked the Country Bob’s site and you can now sign up for a free bottle of Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce for yourself, another family member, and a friend. With a triple freebie like that, how can you go wrong? Just click on the link above and follow the directions.

Friday High Five

Angela invited me to take part in the Friday High Five and so …

My choice of five things to post about is:

Five Things I Am Thinking About
  1. A co-workers father died last night. It was not unexpected, but it is still sad and brings back memories of the sadness when my own father died several years ago. I know he will be tied up with his family and his mother and I can’t do anything to help him, but it just seems like we ought to be able to help our colleagues in need.
  2. Country Bob’s sent me a couple of bottles of All Purpose Sauce and I can hardly wait to try it out. I have sone custom recipes in mind, but first I think I might try meat loaf made with Country Bob’s. I’ll let you know what I try first and if some of my germinating ideas turn out edible. You know how it is with my experimental cooking. (I’m just amazed that Country Bob’s thinks I can cook!)
  3. I’m still in shock about how many comments I got on my variant haiku for the Writer’s Challenge in this post. The most comments ever in the history of this blog! (Although I really think that the phrase “Idiots abound” is what people liked.)
  4. I keep wondering just how windy it is going to be here Sunday afternoon. All week has been really unseasonably warm (65-70 in Colorado in the winter?) and it is all supposed to change Sunday afternoon to a week of highs below 20. So I expect a lot of wind as the front rolls in.
  5. Should I bump my daily walk up from the current 5 miles to 7 miles? I’m sure Molly the wonder dog would like it.

So what are you thinking about?