Category Archives: talk

The S in Sucker

Ever had one of those days that puts the s in sucker? Today was one of those days for me.

It was beautiful outside, 72 degrees and calm. (And still no real winter here.) The forecast for the next few days is warm but extremely windy. So today was the day to be outside and catching some early spring rays. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out that way. Everybody in creation wanted to talk to me today. My first call came in at 8am and the last after 8pm. Everything from meetings to planning to important to bitching to just wanting to blither on. So Molly and I did not get to enjoy the warmth and sun together. (Molly at least got a nice nap laying in the backyard in the sun – I really wanted to join her.) At least it was a good celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

I’ve always wondered in the back of my mind if political office isn’t something more compatible with the female temperament than the male one (in a politically incorrect generaliztion). It seems that it can eat me alive when I am pelted with problem after problem and there isn’t a thing I can do about them. Somehow the talk and talk until we all feel better method so popular amidst the women of my acquaintance just doesn’t work for guys like me. When guys hear a problem, we want to fix it deep down in our guts. Many times the person with the problem doesn’t actually want us to fix the problem or realizes that we can not fix it. They just want someone to listen and say “yes” and “I see” at the appropriate places. That can be very hard to do in a marriage and is even harder in politics. It is hard to shed that inner turmoil demanding that you fix the problem and then just let it go.

Sometimes you just want to scream and then put your head in the sand. That doesn’t seem like it would help much, but it certainly sounds attractive on a day like today. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be better.