Category Archives: blogversation

Blogversation – Show & Tell

Summer from Le Musings of Moi is hosting the Saturday Blogversation again this week. The topic is the rather open ended Show and Tell. The instructions are to pick something to show off to your friends just like the old days of grade school and vlog about it. So without further ado, here is the highly awaited video premier (on this blog anyway) of my bragging point for the day:

Before you ask why I have that rather dyspeptic expression on my face, realize that there was a group of people standing behind the camera making faces to see if they could make me laugh. I was never so happy to finish a spiel in my life. Good editing removed me sticking my tongue out at them.

I hope that this gives you a good idea of the area. Most of the video was taken in the late spring / early summer and was produced to promote the area. I encourage you to visit the Sterling web site  for further information and videos (the normal home of the above video is here.) By the way, the sculpture shown in the video is by local artist and sculptor Bradford Rhea.  He is the sculptor who was commissioned to create President Clinton’s gift to His Holiness John Paul II in 1993. You can read about the experience here.

Blogversation – Show & Tell

Summer from Le Musings of Moi is hosting the Saturday Blogversation again this week. The topic is the rather open ended Show and Tell. The instructions are to pick something to show off to your friends just like the old days of grade school and vlog about it. So without further ado, here is the highly awaited video premier (on this blog anyway) of my bragging point for the day:

Before you ask why I have that rather dyspeptic expression on my face, realize that there was a group of people standing behind the camera making faces to see if they could make me laugh. I was never so happy to finish a spiel in my life. Good editing removed me sticking my tongue out at them.

I hope that this gives you a good idea of the area. Most of the video was taken in the late spring / early summer and was produced to promote the area. I encourage you to visit the Sterling web site  for further information and videos (the normal home of the above video is here.) By the way, the sculpture shown in the video is by local artist and sculptor Bradford Rhea.  He is the sculptor who was commissioned to create President Clinton’s gift to His Holiness John Paul II in 1993. You can read about the experience here.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Being a guy, I always like to kill several birds with one stone. (It’s genetic, we just can’t help it.) So since L is stuck up in the mountains and I’m out here on the plains for Valentine’s Day *and* since Summer is having her blogversation challenge “I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours” today, I figured I’d combine a Valentine Card for L with pictures featuring a couple of my favorite rooms here at the homestead. No video since I don’t have a working digital movie camera at the moment. So without further ado, here’s Bearie ….

“Hi (and aren’t I a cute Valentine Bear, even if Molly chewed me a bit the other day.) I’m sitting on a kitchen counter guarding a tub of Chex Mix for when L gets here next week. I hear she loves this stuff.”
For the room tourists, this looks from the kitchen into the family room.

Bearie takes a perch in the library out of the reach of Molly. But there is no L in sight, how sad.

A bit longer range view of the far wall of the library with Bearie peaking out and Molly going “What? Was that a flash that woke me?”

So now looking at the far end of the library. Note that Molly got disgusted and turned around to go back to sleep.

A view of the far end of the library looking into the kitchen hallway and the dining room.

“I’m about to leave the library, how about some tunes?”

Now Bearie is in the living room sitting on the coffee table. Bad bear – bears shouldn’t sit on tables.

So Bearie moved to the couch, just waiting for L to come and sit beside him.

Never a good bear for long, Bearie moved to the formal dining table at the end of the living room. Still a bad bear, sitting on the table.

“I moved to a chair on the other side of the room, it that OK?”

But then Bearie found the Christmas Pig and they curled up together on the other end of the living room. It was love at first sight until the Christmas Pig and Molly left to get all slobbery together. (The Christmas Pig was actually a chew-toy gift to Molly at Christmas.)

And finally, the other side/end of the living room. Bearie is being a bad bear, sitting on the piano. I think its time he took a nap.

So that takes care of the tour of my two favorite rooms, the library and the living room. Someday maybe I’ll do a tour of my ofice here, since it has almost as many book shelves and books as the library. You’d never guess that L and I are real book lovers. {*grin*} (Note that if you click on the pictures, they have a lot more clarity.)

L, I’ll see you next week when we celebrate our birthdays. Love you!