It was close to 80 degrees this weekend. Truly unseasonable weather for this region. L loved it since the ski areas in her neck of the woods are already open or will open this week. Coming home to nice warm temps in the upper 70’s is a bit like taking a tropical island trip in the deepest darkest days of winter – something to be enjoyed and treasured.
With the oddity of our balmy October and November, a major topic of discussion has been “when will fall really arrive?” Last year we had several snow falls in October and a full on blizzard in late October. This year? Not! No snow and no temperatures conducive to snow. Even some debate with myself as to whether I was wise to have shut off the water to the sprinkler system a few weeks ago to avoid freezing pipes.
But this morning! Ah this morning. What did I find when I let Molly out for her morning frolic? This:
Fall has well and truly arrived at long last. Nothing whispers fall better than a soggy, just below freezing, huge flake, dump of wet and wild snow. Â I love this kind of weather!
The sky is grey and filled with white flakes, the trees and wires are coated in a rime of lovely white, but it is still warm enough that the streets and sidewalks are mostly clear. In fact, I took these pictures moseying around outside in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
Hip Hip Hooray for Fall!