Category Archives: weather

Go Monday!

Today the weather turned nice in the afternoon after being breezy and cool all morning. I walked down to the courthouse to get my license tags for my pickup truck (the old ones expired today) and then around the park for a bit. It was 60 degrees and sunny and calm. Slightly unseasonal weather for this time of year, but boy was it nice! I got back to the house about 4:30 and immediately re-tagged the truck so I wouldn’t forget.

It was then that another shining example of small town service occurred. This morning I had sent an email to the local fiber optic company about a pair of consumer unfriendly oddities in their digital PBX setup for the phone service here at the house (based on their fiber).  Dave, the telephony guy, and I hashed it out via a couple of emails and got all working fine well before noon. This evening as I finished up with the license plate re-tagging, the front door bell rang. It was the owner of the fiber optic company just stopping by to make sure his people had solved the problem and done so to my satisfaction. Can you imagine getting that kind of service from one of the baby Bells? I can’t. I always suspect this is closer to the big company view:

Time to get ready for the football game. It should be a good one.

And by the way – I made it! A post every day for NaBloPoMo!

Cleaning Saturday

It seems that weekends are either ugly or great at this time of year. Since it never did snow last night nor this afternoon as I cleaned, the National Weather Service deemed fit it should happen tonight. From the sounds of things, it will be an ideal evening to curl up with a cup of soup and a good book, pull the covers over the legs and escape into a different world.

Thanks to L arriving with a few books last time she was here, I have a selection of good books to read. My soup is already on the stove; Molly is burying here nose in my lap wanting her doggy treat. (After all it is dark and so it must be that time, right?) So it is time to settle in and enjoy the moment.

As I prepare to settle in and read, I’ll leave you with the words of the NWS for the evening:

Issued by The National Weather Service
Denver/Boulder, CO
4:46 pm MST, Sat., Nov. 14, 2009

(Maybe I just neet to stop reading the weather alerts!)

Dreary Friday

What a dreary day it turned out to be. It was sunny early and then the dull gray cloud bank rolled in with the falling temperatures. Tonight it is hanging just above freezing and drizzling with a chance of turning to snow around midnight. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold all day. I want my sun and heat back!

I went over to mom’s for supper tonight, which was a real treat since it didn’t involve my own cooking. Not only that, it got me away from an ailing computer so I didn’t feel the need to put it out of it’s misery. In fact, this post is being written on it even as I ramble on into the darkness. So maybe abscence does make the heart grow fonder – at least as far as ailing computers saved from mercy killing goes?

Think kindly of me vacuuming and cleaning tomorrow. The amount of Molly fur on all the floors has gotten to the point where even I cannot stand it anymore. So tomorrow is the day to have a cleaning and vacuuming and clothes washing frenzy. I might even have to wash the kitchen floor.

So what are you doing Saturday?

Saturday Meanderings

Today was the third straight day when it reached the 70s for a few hours in the afternoon after dipping below freezing each night. A bit warmer than normal seasonal weather, but a lot closer than the blizzard a week plus ago. Of course this niceness cannot last. The weather forecast has the highs dropping starting tomorrow and possible snow on Monday. We’ll probably mosey on into the drear days of November with highs in the 40s and a lot of dull colorless gray as all the color finally dies away and the landscape takes on the sepia tones of winter. At least something close to normal in the weather this year.

My first question of the day: Is there a sudden rash of blogs shuttering the doors for good or deciding to shut down the current incarnation and maybe open a new one? I know that it is happening to a number of the blogs I follow/read. On the other hand, at least three blogs I follow are slowly returning to regularity after six or more months of drought. Are all these effects simply an artifact of my selection procedure? Do you see anything similar?

Next question of the day: Has “mommy blogging” started to lose lustre in the current economy? I ask because I seem to see fewer classic mommy blogs and more humor or diarist blogs in my network traversal. This is another one that could be related to my reading and following choices rather that any real trend. It could also be because the classic mommy blog is time consuming and labor intensive. So when there is a chance of either product or $$$ renumeration to compensate for the time and labor, it may be worth it. However, as the economy continues in the doldrums, it forces harder choices on where to allocate resources.

Time to head off to dinner. Don’t eat anything I wouldn’t. {*grin*}

Tawdry Tuesday

The great debate is on. Time for one and all to pick the weather predictor they are going to put their faith in and hang on tight. I have heard predictions for snowfall ranging from 0″ to 25″ out here on the plains for the winter storm blowing in. Similarly the predictors are split from 20 mph winds all the way up to 80 mph winds. So pick your poison and see which one you get. It might make the mosey down to the radio station in the morning a brisk affair. It might also cancel the meeting I have scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. It all depends! {*grin*}

Tonight the city council meeting was a juggernaut of straight line motion. You can tell that half of us are lame ducks – there is no sense of “we must fight unto death over this trivial item” left in anyone. It is more lets get done as much as we can before those poor newbie suckers get here and get swamped under all that is coming up. We passed the budget for next year and other sundry things, raised the city manager’s signature authority, modified the zoning code, held five public hearings, did the appropriation ordinance for next year, and generally got on with business. All of us that are term limited out of office have one more official meeting (on the 10th) and then we are done. Of course we also have some meetings that are not “official” even later, right up until the 24th when the new council will be seated. I think we are all looking forward to that day.

It will be interesting to see how the meeting on the 10th will go. One of the longstanding traditions here is that outgoing members, especially those term limited out, are given a few minutes to talk about anything they choose. So I warned the two other term limited council members to be ready to speak if they had any remarks to offer. For my part, I’m still not sure what I’m going to say. I have been blessed with a consistent council with the same members (except for one who was transfered) for most of my three terms. That kind of stability has let us get some great stuff done and meant that we have come to understand one another in a way that lets us get things done without undue friction. It’ll be interesting to see haw the new council comes to terms and continues on (or not).

Well, time to head for bed so I can journey through the unknown weather in the morning to the radio station. My own personal bet is on rain until tomorrow night, but don’t tell anyone you heard it here.