Category Archives: games

You’re So ….

I overheard a couple of youngsters berating each other the other day, obviously playing the ancient game of “You’re so ugly!”. Rumor has it that the original rules of the game were engraved on the walls of a burial chamber in the oldest of the pyramids. Some believe the Ptolemy was the figure of power behind the game salvos between the Greeks and Romans that led to some of the more famous battles of classical times. In more modern times, a friendly game between Lenin and Stalin escalated into some of the more acrimonious assassination attempts of the 20th Century. Much of modern history can be explained as as games of “You’re so ugly!” gone awry.

Given the popularity of the game and the power in its invocation, I herewith give you a short list of personal favorites. It should be enough to prime your mental pump to come up with more.

You’re so ugly … that the weather satellites refuse to photograph your neighborhood.

You’re so ugly … that your mother glued postage stamps over your face in the family pictures.

You’re so ugly … that the Gorgon was turned to stone when she espied your mug.

You’re so ugly … that your spouse wears sunglasses to bed at night – and refuses to allow night lights in the bedroom.

You’re so ugly … that the gargoyles on the civic center voted to take up a plastic surgery collection for you.

You’re so ugly … when you walk into the bank they turn off the cameras.

You’re so ugly … when you were born they put tinted windows on your incubator.

You’re so ugly … when you were born the doctor took one look at you and slapped your parents.

You’re so ugly … you have to Trick or Treat by telephone.

You’re so ugly … people put your picture in their car window as an anti-theft device.

You’re so ugly … they call you Moses because every time you step in the lake, the water parts.

You’re so ugly … you make blind kids cry.

Now it’s your turn. Leave your favorites in the comments!


The group at diner last night included my wife, my mother, my mother-in-law, and me. Somehow the discussion got around to games and in particular the generational and regional differences in games. The discussion was interesting, but I’m going to concentrate on just a few of the games discussed here.

First there was “Olly, Olly, Oxen Free “. The interesting thing here is that my wife and her mother, both Minnesota natives, remember it under the variant name of of “Olly Olly Otzen Free ” (think of the scandahoovian diminutive of Olaf for the pronunciation of Olly). The MIL also remembered playing it under yet another variant name as “Olly Olly Otzenburger Free ” My mother and I remembered it in the “Ollie Ollie Oxen Free ” form. So there was a clear regional difference in the naming of what is the exact same game.

Then there was the perennial favorite “Duck Duck Goose .” Once again the split was by region with the Minnesota natives both remembering the game as “Duck Duck Gray Duck “, although I swear that my wife often pronounces it “Ray Duck” rather than “Gray Duck”. From what I can gather, if you grew up in Minnesota or the Dakotas, you call it “Duck Duck Gray Duck ” and otherwise you know it as “Duck Duck Goose “

Then came the first of the real generational differences. My mom and mother-in-law both recalled with fondness a game called “Auntie I Over ” that my wife and I could not remember ever hearing about. If you clicked on the name and read the description, you probably understand why it is a game that has disappeared from modern life.  Throwing a ball over a building at the opposing team is not a game that plays well in an urban environment. Mom and MIL both remembered several variants of the “Auntie Came Back” call if the ball failed to go over the building. All I want to know is what the call was for the ball stuck in the gutter?

We ended the discussion by reminiscing about several games that seem to have disappeared from playgrounds today. We all remembered “Red Rover ” and its “Pom Pom Pull Away ” variant. My wife and I could not remember our son ever having played either of those games when he was young. I suspect the possibilities for malicious play have demoted both of these games from the school playgrounds. I can remember “Red Rover ” being banned from recess in grade school when I was a kid, so it very well could be verbotten today. All it took was a couple of rousing games and the principal said no more – I suspect it was all the torn clothing that was the clincher. After all, we played dodgeball back then too, so it couldn’t have been the violence! {*grin*}

All of this leads me to ask the questions:

  • What games do you know that have names that vary by region?
  • What games do your parents remember that you don’t?
  • What games do you remember that no longer seem to be played by your children?