Category Archives: meme


This is a picture of King Beauregard III – otherwise known as Beau. He was our dog before Molly. Beau was with us for many years until he finally passed away of old age. Here he’s curled up by the garage door napping away.

The Son grew up with Beau and grew very deeply attached to him over the years. Beau originally came to live with us via the sneaky ploy of “employees call and ask grandma to bring the Son down to work where they have Beau waiting and then suggest that he ask his parents if he could keep him.” No chance of saying no then. Beau was already 3 years old when we met him; he had been in an abusive situation and so had to find a new home. A full pedigreed Bassett Hound (with the corresponding long title) but he was always just plain old Beau to us.

Beau was a big one for curling up with certain of the Son’s old stuffed animals. Judging by the size of the Son’s BVDs wrapped around the stuffed dog, I’d guess that the picture is from about 10 years ago.

Beau’s death was hard on all of us, but especially the Son. L sometimes still calls Molly by the name Beau when she is distracted. May he rest in peace!

This post is in response to the tag I got from Margaret of Facts From A Fact Woman last week. I normally don’t continue to propagate old memes, but I am willing to participate. I did make the change to the 15th photo since I did the 10th photo version last year. In any case, consider yourself tagged if you so desire. The rules are:

â–ºOpen your first photo folder
â–ºScroll down to the 10th photo.
â–ºPost that photo and the story about that photo on your blog.


The Attack of the Meme

I was tagged by Christy over at LIVE and LEARN! for the viral meme floating around. So here goes.

First the rules:

1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog. Replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, and add one more question of your own.

2. Tag other people.

Now the questions:

What are you wearing today? Khaki’s and a summer shirt. I have city council meeting in a bit and can’t look too casual, otherwise it’d be shorts and a golf shirt.

What’s for dinner? A couple of turnips (raw) and a salad with lettuce, onions, radishes, carrots.

What would you eat for your last meal? That’s a tough one. There are so many foods that would all taste good that it is hard to narrow it down. Probably a BBQ steak, a brat, a green salad, and some fresh fruit and melon.

What relaxes you most? Hard physical labor and spending time snuggling with L.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would it be? Probably Antarctica.  It’s been hot here for days and the blast of cold might be refreshing for a few moments at least.

What language do you want to learn? Another tough one. Foreign languages seem to defeat me. I have tried Spanish, Russian, French and Latin; all I have to show for it is the ability to count to 100 in each of them. Computer languages come easy to me; I know about 40 fluently and another 30 or so to the level I can read and understand someone else’s program written in them. I guess I’ll say Spanish so I can try to watch the Spanish language channels on tv.

What do you love most about where you currently live? The rural agrarian life style and the friendliness of the community. I also love the definite seasons and how they remind one of the rhythms of life.

What style is your current home decorated in? American eclectic? You can judge for yourself from the pictures in this post.

If you were a time traveler what era would you live in? There are several periods that would be interesting to me. Ancient Rome might be interesting, the 1920’s have a definite attraction, but I guess I’d say the 1940’s and WWII as my current choice. That period was a time of intense scientific development and a time when whole countries were pulling together in the same direction trying to ensure their very survival. The experience would be intense.

What is your favorite color? Blue. Or Red. Or Green. Maybe I’m just color agnostic?

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? Shorts (and golf shirts).

What were you doing ten years ago? Working on several start-up companies. There was period in there where I was even listed on the masthead of Working Women Magazine as the CTO of their internet arm.

What are you going to do after this? City council meeting.

What are your favorite films? I have too many to list them all. Instead I’ll list the first film that left me utterly awestruck and madly in love. That film was Dr. Zhivago and the love was Lara. The time was Jr. High School.

What are your favorite books? Almost anything by Asimov or Heinlein. Most any hard science fiction. Thrillers and Who-dunnit’s. Philosophy. I guess just about any book since I read 2 to 4 novels a week.

Do you collect anything? Books and old computer equipment.

What makes you follow a blog? It piques my interest. That can be because it is humorous or because it talks about subjects not a part of my day to day life or because it is a techie blog or just because the viewpoints expressed are different than my own.

What was the most enjoyable thing you did today? Went for a walk.

Ann’s Question: What makes you comment on a blog? The topic is something I feel I can contribute to. Reciprocation (I.E. you commented on my blog so I owe you a comment and vice versa.)

Amy’s Question: What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time? Spend time with my wife L, walk the streets and parks of town, golf, program computers, and read.

Tonya’s Question: What is a talent you wished you had? I sometimes think it would be neat to read minds, at least at a superficial level. On the other hand, it might not be too neat to hear what people really thought about you.

Noelle’s Question: If you could go to heaven, who would you see and why? This may be controversial answer, but I’d have say God. I’d like to ask him what he was really trying to do with free will. If the question is what formerly living person, then I’d have to say my grandfather P.

Vickie’s Question: Who is your favorite actor? Probably Harrison Ford or Johnny Depp. They seem to be able to play a role in a totally convincing manner.

Kitten’s Question: Other than Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, etc. what are your most frequently visited websites? Slashdot. Since I don’t Twitter or Facebook, I spend my time on techie and news sites.

SeptemberMom’s Question: What was your favorite subject in school? Science and math.

Christy’s question: As a child/teen how did you envision your adult life? Pretty much as it happened up to middle age anyway. The last 5 years were nowhere in my envisioning.

My Question: How much time do you spend on your average blog post? Between 15 and 25 minutes on average. Sometimes as little a 5 minutes.

Now that I’m done, I’ll tag


Little Ms Blogger

to carry on the infection.

My First Car

Tragic Aside: Today was a sad day in Colorado as the Rocky Mountain News announced its own death effective with the Friday edition. It would have been the Rocky’s 150th birthday in a just a few weeks. The Rocky was the first published newspaper in Denver. Now Denver becomes a one daily paper town; only the Denver Post continues on. R.I.P. Rocky Mountain News.

Today I have decided to do The First Car Meme from kitten at The Bookkitten. It was part of “Make Your Own Meme Monday” sponsored by The Scattered Mind of a Tattooed Minivan Mom.

1. What was your first car?
My first car was a 1961 Chevy Biscayne Station Wagon. It cost $325 in 1970 when I bought it used.
2. How did you acquire said car?
I bought it with money saved from working summers and on weekends during school. It was at the end of my Sophomore year of high school and I had to pay for my own insurance as well (although there were times Mom and Dad kicked in some bucks as well).
There is nothing like having a football game to play in on Friday night located a 3 hour oneway bus ride down the road, getting home at 3am in the morning and then having to be at work at the truck stop at 7am Saturday so you can afford to have a car. It did make me a firm believer in kids paying for their own car and insurance. Responsibility can be a great thing and knowing how hard you are working for it really makes you value it. BTW, the car cost $325 in 1970 when the minimum wage was $1.60 and I made $1.92 because I could do electrical work on vehicle wiring. And for the piece de la resistance: gas was $0.20 a gallon.
3. Were you involved in choosing the car?
All me. Then dragging Mom to see it and convincing my Grandpa P to at least nod OK on the mechanical condition.
4. Did you go on any road trips?
No further than Denver and environs. Once or twice to Casper, Wyoming as well.
5. Did you ever get into an accident in the car?
No accidents. Several periods of foot travel when I couldn’t afford to repair things like the engine.
6. Did you use the car for any–ahem–“romantic activities”?
It was high school, what do you think?
7. How many miles were you able to put on the car before its demise?
I seem to remember that it had 60,000 miles on it when I bought it. I went through a couple of sets of tires and seat covers, etc. It had well over 100,000 miles on it when I sold it.
8. How did the car meet its demise?
Might still be running. I sold it to a summer job collegue at the end of the summer. (We were working as carpenters and it was ideal for tool transport to the job.) It was still running a couple of years later when last I saw it.
9. Do you miss your first car?
Sometimes, but mainly for the memories. As a car it was pretty basic. AM radio, no air, … And like all station wagons, it tended to be a bit noisy with all the panels rattling. I like my current pickup much better since it sits higher and has better seats (and sound system).
10. Fondest memories of the car?
Need you ask? This is the car I had when I first started dating L. So it had our first date, our first kiss, etc. – all those memories. It is also the car that took me places like the Frontiers of Science Institute and the Colorado Wyoming Junior Academy of Science meetings (I was a V.P. – but it wasn’t an elective office – it was based on placement in the state science fair). It also took me to visit friends I had made in places like Denver and Keenesburg and …

Meme Time

It’s been a while since I checked out what the almighty Google has to say. In the standard Google Meme, you take your first name and then a verb and report the first thing Google returns for that search. But with my very common first name I sometimes have to proceed down a few entries to find one suitable for publishing. (If you are curious why I edit, google “Dan likes” and check out the first two results. Might be OK if I were of a different sexual persuasion and lived south of the border, but not for the current reality.)

Here is my version of the Google Meme with commentary. Note that keeping score is important!

Dan needs: Your help.
This is right on the button. I need your help finding a real live job. Any and all offers considered.
Google: +1.

Dan looks like: he’s kind of checking out the Angel’s rack.
Dan looks like: a Ninja.
Given that I don’t know the Angel, I kind of doubt I’d be doing that. I also bear no resemblance to a Ninja the last time I looked.
Google: -1.

Dan likes: showing his butt on Flickr.
Google strikes out again. At least to the best of my knowledge, I don’t even have a picture up on Flickr, let alone one that shows that particular part of my anatomy.
Google: -1.

Dan wants: to be a stripper.
I guess I can go with this one. I’ve never really considered it as a career option, but I figure I could clear the room in seconds with no problem. Oh, you mean I’m supposed to attract people? Never mind.
Google: -1.

Dan does: It
Dan does: your radar reach Iowa?
I guess I do it. It all depends on which it I guess. But I definitely don’t have a radar and so I don’t think it reaches Iowa.
Google: 0.

Dan hates: SPAM.
Google nails one.
Google: +1.

Dan goes: cynical.
Dan goes: to the wrong house after the bar.
Once again a problematic one to score. Google hit it on the nose with the cynical, but so far as I remember I have never gone to the wrong house after the bar. Maybe Google knows something I don’t.
Google: +1.

Dan loves: Me.
Dan loves: eggs.
Well if you are L or family or … from real life, yes I do love you. But if you are a random stalker from Peoria, maybe not. And the egg thing? Not too much.
Google: 0.

Dan has: a lot of Stuff to do.
Dan has: Potential.
Dan has: No Friends.
Well, there is some truth to all of the above. I’d probably give Google a -1 for the no friends remark, but I could go with the potential. And I certainly to have a lot of stuff to do, so have fun and give the Google oracle a try to see how your  life is going.
Google: +1

Net Google Score: +1+1-1-1-1-1+0+1+1+0+1 = +1

Week Before Super Bowl Sunday

A perfectly good title which has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of this post, its all good.

Today was much more typical of winter weather around here. It got up to somewhere around 15 degrees and then stayed windy and snowy all afternoon. It is right now at the border of single digits, but isn’t snowing any more.

Can you guess what this is:

Yes, that is a dental crown. But it is not the one that was just put on (from here and here and here ), this is the  other one from the opposite side that was put on 25+ years ago. Evidently the dental cement from back then is only good for twenty or so years. So this afternoon it decided to come off. I immediately called my dentist at home (told you it was a small town) and he volunteered to come into town (he lives outside of town) and glue it back on, but since it was not too painful, I told him first thing in the morning was fine. No sense in ruining his day with the family. So 8am tomorrow I’ll find out when he has slotted me in and get it repaired. One of the hazards of aging is that things like filings and crowns have finite lifetimes on the order of twenty years, so one gets to get them redone as they reach that certain age. A pain in the … (well, you know where.)

So in honor of it being another day of infamy here, blueviolet has tagged all her readers with the following meme and I respond thusly:

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Nope, not per se.

2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Last week – smashed index fingernail.

3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Since I have been using computers from the 70’s, my handwriting has deteriorated to an illegible scrawl. So the answer is no.

4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? It all depends. Sometimes bologna, sometimes salami, sometimes ham, and sometimes turkey.

5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? L and I have one son, 18 years old.


7. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Never! {*grin*}

8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? No, not for the last 45+ years.

9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Nope. Big people don’t trust rubber bands.

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Rice Chex or Shredded Wheat.

11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Always. Size 16 feet with high arches don’t slip out of ties shoe.

12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? French vanilla or Rocky Road.


14. RED OR PINK? Neither. Blue or Green.


16. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Of the living, L my wife. Of the departed probably my grandfather.


18. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Black sweat pants, blue sweat shirt, white socks. No shoes.

19. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Iron Butterfly’s original 17 minute version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida  (Click the link to see how fuzzy my memory is.)

20. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Don’t know for sure. Green maybe?

21. FAVORITE SMELLS? Baking bread, frying bacon, a certain Chanel scent L. used to wear when we were dating.


23. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO POSTED THIS NOTE? Don’t know. I read her blog, but otherwise don’t know her.

24. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? College football of any form.

25. HAIR COLOR? Used to be dark brown to black. Now not so much. Mostly white with a few dark hairs waging a forlorn battle against extinction.

26. EYE COLOR? Blue.

27. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Used to, but haven’t in years. Now it is bifocals.

28. FAVORITE FOOD? Varies. BBQ smoked sausage, steak, toasted cheese, vegetable soup.


30. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Dr. Zhivago – one of my all time favorites.


32. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter in my youth, summer now that I’m getting older and feel cold all winter.


34. FAVORITE DESSERT? Cake, ice cream, or fruit.

35. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND ? To injustices.

36. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND ? To blithering idiots.


38. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? I use a track ball, but it sits on a mentor net mouse pad. Someday I’ll have to write about the somewhat insane young lady I last mentored.


40. FAVORITE SOUND(S)? 60’s and early 70’s rock and roll.



43. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Computer Whispering? Who knows?

44. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Colorado.


46. HOW DID YOU MEET YOUR SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER? Sitting in high school biology class as described here .

So my challenge to you is to answer all these questions (if you so desire.)