Category Archives: crafts

What I Did This Afternoon

I spent most of the afternoon making sun spinners for the church bazaar and crafts sale tomorrow. I thought about just putting up the picture and making you guess what it was, but then decided that might not be fair.

A few sun spinners hanging low in the shop:

You’d be amazed how much sun these doodads can sparkle and throw about with just a little air motion and some sunlight. Given I have a few thousand old software CDs (I am a true pack rat), this is one of the uses I have put them to. I also use them to make custom Christmas trees – maybe I’ll finally get a picture of one of them up here one of these days. (You can also spot Molly’s shop bed in the background if you look carefully.)
The only bad thing about making the spinners is that spending all afternoon beading and knotting with mono-filament line in the low humidity has left my finger tips tender and cracked. Tender enough that some keys are painful to type and makes correcting errors a interesting task.
So what did you do today?