Today was the third straight day when it reached the 70s for a few hours in the afternoon after dipping below freezing each night. A bit warmer than normal seasonal weather, but a lot closer than the blizzard a week plus ago. Of course this niceness cannot last. The weather forecast has the highs dropping starting tomorrow and possible snow on Monday. We’ll probably mosey on into the drear days of November with highs in the 40s and a lot of dull colorless gray as all the color finally dies away and the landscape takes on the sepia tones of winter. At least something close to normal in the weather this year.
My first question of the day: Is there a sudden rash of blogs shuttering the doors for good or deciding to shut down the current incarnation and maybe open a new one? I know that it is happening to a number of the blogs I follow/read. On the other hand, at least three blogs I follow are slowly returning to regularity after six or more months of drought. Are all these effects simply an artifact of my selection procedure? Do you see anything similar?
Next question of the day: Has “mommy blogging” started to lose lustre in the current economy? I ask because I seem to see fewer classic mommy blogs and more humor or diarist blogs in my network traversal. This is another one that could be related to my reading and following choices rather that any real trend. It could also be because the classic mommy blog is time consuming and labor intensive. So when there is a chance of either product or $$$ renumeration to compensate for the time and labor, it may be worth it. However, as the economy continues in the doldrums, it forces harder choices on where to allocate resources.
Time to head off to dinner. Don’t eat anything I wouldn’t. {*grin*}