An article by Nicole Ferraro, “Intelligence Down, Social Networking Up“, has some really disturbing statistics in it. The most disturbing is from our friends at A. C. Nielsen about the amount of time being spent on social networking sites by the populace of various countries.
Add the fact the Nielsen also reports that Americans are glued to the boob tube 151 hours per month on average and you have a pretty good basis for understanding the decline and fall of American productivity. 151 hours a month comes out to 5+ hours a day. So we have 6+ hours on the social networking sites plus 5+ hours glued to the tube. It’s really fortunate that at least some people can multi-task; otherwise we would have only a few hours a day left to work and interact as normal human beings.
Inquiring minds want to know: do you find this as disturbing as I do? The loss of productivity, the increased obesity due to inactivity, the failure of normal human to human interaction and socialization – it all seems a high price to pay for things as mindless as TV and facebook and twitter, and …